Brock Lesnar is holding the Universal Championship and he doesn’t seem to want anyone else to have it either.

Lesnar’s 461 title-reign is kind of getting to be a lot at this point especially considering the fact he never puts his title on the line or shows up to work. He is working a part-time schedule and taking advantage of that fact in a big way.

Bryan Alvarez was recently questioned during Wrestling Observer Live about when fans might see Brock Lesnar wrestle once again and he had a pretty interesting response. But it doesn’t sound like we’ll be seeing Lesnar wrestle again until the end of the Summer at least.

“He is not on Money In The Bank so my guess is when they first announced that he had re-signed a deal I did have someone tell me they believed he was going to be there through SummerSlam. So all we know is that it is a short-term deal. I presume he is going to drop the title at SummerSlam I don’t know what. It could happen I guess in July. But he is not at Money In The Bank so it will either be the July pay-per-view or SummerSlam and if you got Brock Lesnar and you’re paying him big money it will probably end up being SummerSlam.”

So there you go, as much as Raw might need a champion it looks like we might not see Brock Lesnar until around SummerSlam. But at this point, who knows what kind of deal they have?


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Tags: Brock Lesnar
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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