Doomsday could be upon us any day and if/when that day comes it looks like Ronda Rousey will be more than ready.

While speaking to the LA Times, Rousey revealed how into prepping for the Apocalypse she actually is.

“I am a big doomsday prepper. I think of it as a very positive outlook on the world. Some people think it is negative. But I think as a self-proclaimed genetic cream of the crop such as I am, I owe it to humanity to survive the end of the world. It’s my responsibility.”

It’s actually funny because Rousey has brought this subject up in the past while speaking to Conan,

Tags: Ronda Rousey
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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