The Greatest Royal Rumble is over with and Seth Rollins is still the IC Champion. During the closing spot of the match after Balor fought Samoa Joe off and finally got to climb the ladder, Rollins leaped over from the top turnbuckle at the last moment and took the title right in front of Balor.

This not only left Balor looking irritated but also gave us another title match at the Greatest Royal Rumble where the champion retained. Bryan Alvarez speculated on Wrestling Observer Live that this could very well be the start of something more for Balor which could involve him having a change of heart soon enough.

“The only thing that I can figure is that Finn Balor is going to turn heel. That’s the only thing that makes sense here. I don’t know if it’s going to happen, we’ll find out. But that is what I have determined after seeing what a geek they made that guy look like in that match.”

Alvarez went on to say how it should have been The Miz in that spot because he was the one looking to break a record. How do you think Finn Balor would do as a heel on Raw?

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Tags: Finn Balor
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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