The Greatest Royal Rumble Match featured 50 men all trying to throw each other over the top rope and leave Jeddah with a new trophy and a green title.

But two Raw Superstars came down to the ring using their old entrance music. Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel have followed The Miz around for a pretty good stretch at this point and a lot of people might have forgotten what their entrance music actually sounds like. After all, they’ve used The Miz’s awesome theme song since being in the Miztourage.

But now that The Miz is on a different show they might need to pick different music to use. Both Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas came down using their old entrance music which could become a regular thing from this point on until WWE figures out what to do with the two third-generation Superstars next.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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