There was a little backstage skirmish backstage at a recent ROH show that not only caused quite a stir but apparently it crushed Cody Rhodes’ Chipolte in the process.

One caller asked Bryan Alvarez if there was any update on this event during Wrestling Observer Live and he revealed all he could for now about the situation.

“Here’s what I know about it. As far as I know, it’s not an angle. There was — I don’t want to mention any names if the names come out I’ll talk about it. There was a non-wrestler who in the back and apparently got mouthy with someone and that wrestler smashed him and that’s the story.”

“So it was not two Ring Of Honor wrestlers, it was not anything like that. It was a backstage hand and a wrestler and from the people that I talked to the guy that got smashed was the one that initiated all of this.”

Alvarez went on to say how he’s sure the names of the people involved will come out at some point and it might even be in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter this week. But this new information from Alvarez at least clears up that it wasn’t a brawl between two ROH co-workers.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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