It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the May 15, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (5/15/2024):

  • The House Of Black to respond to AEW TNT Champion “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland’s Double or Nothing Challenge
  • AEW Continental Championship Match: “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. FTR’s Dax Harwood
  • AEW TBS Champion Willow Nightingale and Mercedes Moné Double or Nothing TBS Championship Contract Signing
  • AEW World Championship Eliminator Match: AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage
  • Singles Match: Harley Cameron vs. AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm
  • HOOK makes his return
  • Tag Team Match: Blackpool Combat Club (IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley and “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson) vs. The Don Callis Family’s ROH World TV Champion Kyle Fletcher and NJPW World TV Champion Jeff Cobb
  • AEW International Champion Roderick Strong and “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay will come face-to-face
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator Match: AEW World Tag Team Champions The Elite’s The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson) vs. Matt Sydal and “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels

AEW Dynamite Results (5/15/2024):

The show opens up with Justin Roberts introducing IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley as NJPW World TV Champion Jeff Cobb and ROH World TV Champion Kyle Fletcher were already in the ring. Moxley then made his way down to the ring for the first match of the night, which is a Tag Team Match as Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone welcomes us to the show. Moxley is then attacked by Cobb and Fletcher and “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson makes his way down to the ring to help out Moxley. Danielson and Moxley then continue brawling with Cobb and Fletcher before the tag team match officially begins.

Tag Team Match: Blackpool Combat Club (IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley and “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson) vs. The Don Callis Family’s ROH World TV Champion Kyle Fletcher and NJPW World TV Champion Jeff Cobb

Danielson and Cobb are now inside the ring and the match is officially underway. Danielson delivers some chops on Cobb in the corner. Danielson then hits Cobb with strikes and a dropkick, then tags Moxley in. Moxley then delivers some right hands on Cobb, then tags Danielson back in. Danielson and Moxley then double team Cobb before Danielson puts Cobb in a Knee Bar. Moxley then tags in and hits Cobb with an elbow drop. Fletcher then tags in and delivers some right hands on Moxley. Fletcher then hits Moxley with a chop, but Moxley responds by raking Fletcher’s back as both men teeter on the top rope. Moxley then hits Fletcher with a superplex. Moxley then hits Fletcher with a knee on his midsection, then tags Danielson in. Fletcher is now placed on the top rope and Danielson nails Fletcher with a knee.


Fletcher then nails Danielson on the apron and tags Cobb in. Cobb then puts Moxley in a waist lock, but Moxley escapes and hit Cobb with a German suplex. Danielson then tags in and he climbs to the top, then hits Cobb with a missile dropkick. Danielson then hits Fletcher with a dropkick on the apron, then delivers some kicks and chops on his chest. Danielson then follows it up with a clothesline and a series of kicks. Danielson then hits Fletcher with a tope suicida on the outside, but Cobb gets back in the ring. Cobb then sends Danielson crashing into the mat, then mocks him and looks to hit him with a shooting star press. Danielson then rolls out of the way and goes for the Busaiku Knee, but Cobb avoids it and nails Danielson. Moxley and Fletcher then tag in and the two hit boots on one another. Moxley then hits Fletcher with a series of strikes, then follows it up with a clothesline. Moxley then hits Cobb with a cutter, but Fletcher hits Moxley with a Michinoku Driver. Cobb and Fletcher then double team Moxley before Fletcher sends Moxley crashing into the mat. Cobb then tags in and gets Moxley up on his shoulders in an Electric Chair position as Fletcher climbs to the top. Moxley then escapes and sends Cobb crashing into Fletcher. Danielson then hits Cobb with the Busaiku Knee and Moxley hits Fletcher with the Death Rider for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Blackpool Combat Club!

After the match, Konosuke Takeshita appears out of nowhere and blindsides Moxley, while Cobb attacks Danielson. Claudio Castagnoli then makes his way down to the ring with a crowbar in hand to make the save and send the Don Callis Family running.

We then get a video package hyping the AEW World Championship Match between Swerve Strickland and Christian Cage at Double or Nothing.

TNT Champion “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland makes his way out to get an answer from the House of Black.

Brody King and Buddy Matthews of the House of Black blindside Copeland on the ramp and attack him as Malakai Black appears behind them. King then sends Copeland in the ring and grabs a chair from under the ring, then hands it over to Matthews. King then stomps on Copeland’s back and holds Copeland in place with Matthews. Black then grabs a mic and tells Copeland he doesn’t understand why he is trying to keep up the facade of what he thinks he is. Black then tells Matthews to remove Copeland’s wedding ring and Matthews does. Matthews then hands over the wedding ring to Black and Black holds it up. Black and Matthews then place Copeland in between two chairs, but Kyle O’Reilly appears at ringside to help Copeland out. King then nails O’Reilly inside the ring and sends him outside and Black hits O’Reilly with The End. House of Black then hit Copeland with a triple-team move in the corner and tosses his TNT Championship back in the ring before they leave the ringside area.

We then get a video package from NJPW Resurgence, where The Elite attacked Eddie Kingston following his match with Gabe Kidd. The Elite are now shown backstage and they imply that Kingston is injured and Anarchy in the Arena might now be a Handicap Match. Kazuchika Okada then calls Dax Harwood a b***h and says he’ll destroy him later tonight.

FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) are now backstage and are asked what they are going to do without Eddie Kingston. Cash Wheeler says they aren’t going to forfeit, but he is pretty sure they have found a fourth for Anarchy in the Arena. Dax Harwood then says that based on the company Okada keeps, he is probably The Elite’s b***h.

We then see a commercial for The Young Bucks on a new pump shoe coming soon to Champs Sports.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Tag Team Match.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator Match: AEW World Tag Team Champions The Elite’s The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson) vs. Matt Sydal and “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels

The match starts off with Nicholas Jackson and Matt Sydal. Both men get in each other’s faces. Sydal then hits Nicholas with a jumping knee and rolls him up, but Nicholas kicks out. Matthew and Daniels then tags in and Daniels hits Matthew with a clothesline. Sydal then tags in and Daniels hits a kick on Matthew in the corner. Nicholas then tags in and flies off the middle rope. Sydal then hits a double hurricanrana on both The Young Bucks. Daniels then tags in and sends Nicholas crashing into the mat, but Matthew blindsides him from behind. Daniels then hits Nicholas with a chokeslam as Sydal goes after Matthew. Sydal flies over the top rope, but Matthew moves out of the way and sends Sydal into the barricade area. Nicholas then climbs to the top, but Daniels meets him up there. Matthew then trips him and tags in and The Young Bucks hits Daniels with The TK Driver for the win.

The winners of the AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator Match, AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks!

After the match, The Young Bucks grab a mic and Matthews calls Daniels out for speaking out last week and putting his hands on him. Matthew says he and Nicholas are working hard to change the atmosphere of the locker room, but Daniels is working against them. Matthew then fires Daniels and promises to give him a great severance package. Matthews then says that they have arranged for Daniels to be escorted out of the building and he thanks Daniels for his five years in AEW. Jack Perry then pours a Wooooo Energy Drink on Tony Schiavone.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is with AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm, Luther and Mariah May as she tells them that Luther, May and Saraya are all barred from ringside tonight for Storm’s match with Harley Cameron. Storm says if they want to hurt Mariah May, they will have to answer to the bosom she clings to. Storm then says after what Serena Deeb did to her last week, she will end up like everyone in Vegas, flat on their back with an ass in their face, chin, tits and shoe.

We then see Malakai Black staring at TNT Champion “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland’s wedding ring. Black says this was everything that has held Copeland back. Black then says the Barbed Wire Cage Match means there is still that part of Copeland that exists. Black then accepts Copeland’s challenge, but says when he wins, Copeland must bend a knee to the House of Black.

HOOK makes his way down to the ring for the next match and Sebastian Wolfe is already waiting inside the ring.

Singles Match: HOOK vs. Sebastian Wolfe

The match starts off with Wolfe going right after HOOK. HOOK then catches Wolfe and hits him with a T-Bone suplex. HOOK then delivers some right hands on Wolfe. HOOK then puts Wolfe in the Redrum and Wolfe taps out.

The winner of the Singles Match, HOOK!

After the match, HOOK grabs Justin Roberts’ microphone and tells FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho to come down to the ring. Jericho’s music then hits and Jericho makes his way down to the ring alongside Big Bill. Jericho starts off by greeting the fans and says it’s great to have HOOK back. Jericho then says he’s learned a few lessons after getting hit in the face with a bat. Jericho then says he’s happy to share the spotlight with HOOK. HOOK then says he doesn’t want to share the spotlight and Jericho says HOOK needs to be less selfish. Jericho then says he’s not ready to retire or be inducted into a Hall of Fame and that’s why the FTW Championship is called the For The World Championship rather than the For The HOOK Championship. Jericho then says he wants to teach HOOK that when one loses a title, they have to work their way back up. Jericho then challenges HOOK to a match against Big Bill on AEW Collision, wherein if HOOK wins, he earns a future shot at Jericho’s FTW Championship. HOOK then accepts and he hits Jericho with the microphone he’s holding. Big Bill then attacks HOOK and Jericho joins the attack. Katsuyori Shibata then makes his way down to the ring and makes the save.

We then head to the back, where AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland says he brought a championship back to Washington. Strickland then says he might have been put in a coffin at All In, but he is going to put Christian Cage in the grave. Strickland then says he is going to end things with Brian Cage tonight.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is an AEW World Championship Eliminator Match.

AEW World Championship Eliminator Match: AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage

The match starts off with Strickland hitting Cage with a couple of double knees, but Cage responds with a clothesline in the corner. Strickland then low bridges Cage out of the ring and looks to hit Cage with a tope suicida. Cage catches Strickland, but Strickland escapes and hits a boot on Cage. Strickland then hits Cage with a double stomp on his spine off the apron. Strickland then uses the ring post to wear Cage’s arm down, but Cage sends Strickland crashing into the ring post. Both men then get back inside the ring and Strickland hits Cage with a DDT. Cage then hits Strickland with a backbreaker and follows it up with a couple of shoulders on his midsection. Strickland then responds with a series of strikes on Cage, then delivers some right hands on him. Cage then sends Strickland crashing into the corner spine first, but Strickland hits Cage with a boot. Cage then sends Strickland into the corner.

Cage then hits a suplex on Strickland into the ring from the apron. Cage then charges at Strickland, but Strickland sends him crashing into the middle turnbuckle face first. Strickland then delivers some strikes on Cage and follows it up with an uppercut off the middle rope. Strickland then hits Cage with a Brainbuster, but Cage sends him crashing into the corner and onto the mat. Strickland then sends Cage crashing onto the mat and follows it up with a kick across his jaw. Strickland then hangs Cage from the bottom rope by his toes and hits him with a double stomp from the top rope. Strickland then gets Cage back inside the ring and hits him with a 450 Splash. Strickland then goes for a pin, but Cage kicks out. Cage then hits Strickland with a sit-out powerbomb, but Strickland responds with a hurricanrana and a boot on Cage’s midsection. Cage then responds with a superkick, but Strickland hits Cage with a boot on his face and delivers some forearm shots on Cage. Strickland then targets Cage’s arm and hits Cage with the House Call for the win.

The winner of the AEW World Championship Eliminator Match, AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland!

After the match, Strickland grabs two chairs from under the ring. Strickland then blasts one chair across Cage’s spine, but Christian Cage’s music hits and Cage makes his way out. Christian appears alongside Mother Wayne and Strickland looks to blast the same chair across Cage’s spine once again. Nick Wayne then appears and low blows Strickland and Killswitch is not far behind. Nick then grabs a picture of Strickland and his daughters, then nails it across Strickland’s head. Christian then grabs a mic and tells Strickland he embarrassed Nick when he attacked him in Everett, Washington last year. Christian then says he is now forced to embarrass Swerve, then rubs the picture of Strickland and his daughters in his blood. Christian then tells Strickland he has taken his blood this week and at Double or Nothing, he will take his AEW World Championship.

We then head to the back, where HOOK and Katsuyori Shibata are being interviewed. HOOK says the odds don’t mean anything to him and he will beat whoever he has to beat to get his hands on Jericho. Shibata then asks if that even means him because he wants another shot at Jericho too. HOOK says that’s fine by him. Samoa Joe then shows up and says he used to think HOOK was something special, but now he keeps falling for Jericho’s tricks over and over again. Joe then says if they stop playing themselves, they actually might be dangerous. HOOK then says he’ll fight Joe as Shibata says that Joe is too large to be wearing a floral pattern.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Harley Cameron vs. AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm

The match starts off with Cameron hitting Storm with a boot to Storm’s midsection. Storm then hits Cameron with a shoulder tackle, but Cameron responds with a series of knees on Storm’s midsection. Storm then does a Thesz Press on Cameron, then follows it up with a Hip Attack that sends Cameron crashing to the outside. Serena Deeb then appears on the ramp and Cameron takes advantage. Cameron sends Storm’s head bouncing off the ring apron and sends her back in the ring. Storm then hits Cameron with a back elbow and follows it up with a codebreaker and a DDT. Storm then hits Cameron with a suplex, but Cameron responds with Sole Food and a running knee. Storm then hits Cameron with a sit-out powerbomb. Storm then follows it up with the Storm Zero for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm!

After the match, Deeb stares Storm down with a smile on her face. Storm then tells Deeb to piss off.

We then head to the back, where Arkady Aura is interviewing AEW International Champion Roderick Strong and Will Ospreay, who says he has a sour taste in his mouth after what happened courtesy of Shane Taylor. Ospreay then says he is tired of how confident Strong is around him, but it’s due to being surrounded by the Undisputed Kingdom. Ospreay then says Strong doesn’t respect him no matter where they have competed around the world. Strong then says that’s the smartest thing Ospreay has ever said as Ospreay might have a woman and child, but he is still a child himself, not having to deal with the adversity Strong has had to endure. Strong then says he will expose Ospreay as a fraud. Ospreay then says no longer can Strong bad mouth him like he did in Ring of Honor years ago and he will show Strong at Double or Nothing why he’s the best wrestler in the world.

Renee Paquette is in the ring and introduces both AEW TBS Champion Willow Nightingale and Mercedes Moné and both women make their way down to the ring for their Double or Nothing TBS Championship contract signing.

Paquette starts off by saying the TBS Championship Match at Double or Nothing between Moné and Nightingale is one of the most highly anticipated matches. Paquette then invites both women to sign the contract. Nightingale says she respects Moné’s career, but questions if Moné respects the TBS Championship. Nightingale then says the title she holds celebrates a legacy in professional wrestling that dates back to 50 years ago. Nightingale then says the title is built on hard work and dedication and Kris Statlander represents that. Nightingale then says she is now the face of TBS and everytime she walks down to the ring, nothing matters and she smiles anyways. Nightingale says her smile is her strength and she won’t let Moné walk into AEW and take her title away from her. Nightingale then signs the contract and hands it over to Moné.

Moné then demands that Everett says hello to their CEO. Moné then says since Nightingale wants to talk about legacy, she was changing the game in 2015 while Nightingale was still training. Moné then says she’s broken down doors and kicked down glass ceilings and voices her respect for Nightingale. Moné then says she thinks Nightingale is a great champion, but there’s a difference between being a great champion and being the greatest of all time. Moné then calls herself the new face of TBS and she knows the best part of Nightingale’s career is defeating her. Moné then says her legacy is all about winning and she signs the contract. Nightingale then says the last time they wrestled, she walked away a champion while Moné didn’t walk out at all. Moné then slaps Nightingale and Nightingale responds by putting Moné through the table.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is an AEW Continental Championship Match.

AEW Continental Championship Match: “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. FTR’s Dax Harwood

The match starts off with Harwood hitting Okada with a shoulder tackle, but Okada responds with right hands on Harwood’s spine. Harwood then hits Okada with a couple of chops, but Okada responds with a shoulder tackle and sends Harwood crashing into the ring post shoulder first. Harwood then nails Okada with a couple of right hands on Okada’s midsection, then follows it up with a spinebuster. Okada then places Harwood on the top rope and hits him with a dropkick that sends Harwood crashing out of the ring. Okada then looks to hit Harwood with a boot, but Harwood ducks out of the way and both men exchange forearms. Okada then hits Harwood with a hanging DDT off the barricade and gets back in the ring. The referee then begins a ten count and Harwood beats it.

Harwood then hits Okada with a couple of German suplexes and looks to hit a third, but Okada escapes and hits Harwood with a boot to Harwood’s face. Okada then looks to hit a second boot, but Harwood prevents him from hitting it and hits Okada with a third German suplex. Harwood and Okada then exchange strikes and Okada goes for a dropkick. Harwood then counters the move, but Okada hits a shoulder breaker. Both men then teeter on the top rope and Harwood hits Okada with a superplex. Harwood then nails Okada with a Tombstone, then grabs his Continental Championship. Harwood then sends Okada back in the ring and Okada low blows Harwood as the referee disposes of the title. Okada then follows it up with the Rainmaker for the win.

The winner and still the AEW Continental Champion, “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada!

After the match, The Elite joins in on Okada beating Harwood down. Cash Wheeler and Bryan Danielson then make their way down to the ring to even the odds, but The Elite overpowers them. Darby Allin’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring from behind. Allin hits Nicholas Jackson with a skateboard to reveal himself as the fourth man on Team AEW in the Anarchy In The Arena Match at Double or Nothing. All eight men then continue to brawl with each other and FTR, Danielson and Allin are left standing as the show comes to a close.

Tags: AEW Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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