Saraya is hailed as pioneer for women’s pro wrestling and she has ensured that fans take notice of her no matter what. However, it appears one of the reasons she even joined AEW was so that her brother could get an opportunity to join there as well.

Saraya’s brother Zak Knight confirmed that he signed with AEW in late February of this year. Before that, Knight made his debut for AEW/ROH at an ROH on HonorClub taping last year.

Knight shared insights into his journey to the company during a conversation with the Grue Rume Show. He revealed that a year before Saraya joined, he was in discussions with a middleman and AEW’s Head of Talent Relations, Christopher Daniels, about potentially joining the company. Unfortunately, these talks were halted due to visa-related issues, despite ongoing communication for a period of five to six months.

Knight discovered that AEW was in talks with Saraya, giving her the option to join either AEW or return to WWE. Knight advised Saraya that if WWE was her preference, she should pursue that path. However, if she chose AEW, it might aid in his endeavors to enter the company. He confirmed that Saraya told AEW she would join the company if they provided her brother with an opportunity.


So, here’s the story that is definitely gonna rattle some fans, right? So before my sister got to AEW, myself, a middleman and Christopher Daniels were all talking about Zak Zodiac coming to AEW. This was a year before my sister got there. It was pushed back. ‘Has he got a visa? Can he do this? No, he hasn’t got a visa but he can get a visa. If you guys are interested, he’s willing to get a visa,’ etcetera. We were speaking for a good five, six months and then it was like, okay, we need to just hold fire. I then found out that they were chatting to my sister and she might, might be going there because offered by two big companies, WWE and AEW. She’s having to make this big decision and I’m speaking to her and I’m like, ‘If you need to go back, go back but I’ve been talking to these guys. If you go there, then that might help my foot in the door.’ So, she ends up going to AEW and for everyone that needs to know this out there, yeah, she did say, ‘Give my brother that shot.

“I know you’ve been talking to him. He’s got his visa now.’ She helped pay for my visa. She believed in me that much that she was like, ‘Hey bro, I’m gonna buy you a visa, I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna do that. You could pay me back in good time but I know that when they see you, they will love you. You’ve just never been given the opportunity.’ So, we were talking, she then went there. She then said, ‘Hey, I’m gonna come here but I do want you to just give my brother a dark match.’ Not a contract. ‘Give him a dark match and see what he can do.’ They then said, ‘Sure. Once he’s got his visa, we can do that’ and then October 2023, I got my visa and I pretty much hit the road immediately, went straight to America.

This is certainly accurate as AEW was considering hiring Zak Knight because of Saraya. Saraya also hit back at trolls who disregarded her brother’s sacrifice to wrestling. Regardless, Zak Knight is a member of the AEW family and that is all that matters to him.

Are you surprised by this revelation made by Zak Knight regarding Saraya’s AEW signing? Let us know in the comments section below!

Tags: Saraya
Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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