It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the May 1, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (5/1/2024):

  • Cope Open Challenge TNT Championship Match: “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland (c) vs. A Member of the House of Black
  • AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland’s Double or Nothing opponent will be announced
  • FTW Championship Match: “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata
  • Singles Match: Mariah May vs. “The Professor” Serena Deeb
  • Kenny Omega will make his return
  • Singles Match: The Mogul Embassy’s “The Machine” Brian Cage vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli
  • Singles Match: “The King Of Television” Samoa Joe vs. Private Party’s Isiah Kassidy
  • We’ll Hear From “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy

AEW Dynamite Results (5/1/2024):

The show opens up with AEW President Tony Khan appearing live from Jacksonville and discussing about running tonight’s episode remotely. The Young Bucks then interrupt the feed and make it clear that they can’t be fired for what they did last week due to their iron-clad contracts. The Young Bucks then say they are in charge of the show now and air an Elite opening video for tonight’s show.

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Taz then welcomes us to the show as AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana make their way down to the ring.


Swerve Strickland starts off by saying he has had three matches on three different shows in just a span of one week. Strickland then says that’s the kind of AEW World Champion the company deserves and that’s the champion he has always said he would be. Strickland then addresses The Young Bucks and calls them out for their actions on Tony Khan last week. The Young Bucks then appear on the big screen and Nicholas Jackson reminds Strickland that he isn’t the only champion around here. Matthew Jackson then says Strickland needs some humility and him and Nicholas have the perfect opponent in mind. Christian Cage’s music then hits and Cage makes his way down to the ring along with the rest of The Patriarchy.

Cage then looks to speak, but opts to hit Strickland with the microphone instead. Cage then begins to beat Strickland down, but Strickland fights back. Strickland then nails Cage, Killswitch and Nick Wayne. The Patriarchy then gets the upper hand on Strickland and Cage hits his finisher on Strickland on top of his AEW World Championship. Wayne then hits Prince Nana with the Wayne’s World.

Cage then grabs a mic and tells Strickland that there is something Strickland should know about him and that is he never forgets. Cage then says he hasn’t forgotten that Strickland broke into Wayne’s gym or that he embarrassed him. Cage also says he has been waiting for the right moment for Strickland to answer to his mistakes and there’s no better time now that Strickland is the AEW World Champion. Cage then stomps on Strickland’s head, then names Strickland’s daughters and says they won’t have a father for the rest of their lives. Cage then tells Strickland he will rip the AEW World Championship out of his hands at Double Or Nothing and the pain has just begun. Killswitch then pulls a piece of Strickland’s hair out of his head and Cage holds up the AEW World Championship.

A video package highlighting the feud between TNT Champion “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland and the House of Black is then shown.

TNT Champion “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland then makes his way down to the ring for his Cope Open Challenge and the House of Black makes their way down to the ring next.

Cope Open Challenge TNT Championship Match: “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland (c) vs. Buddy Matthews

The match starts off with both men taking turns in locking each other in submission holds before Matthews hits Copeland with a tijeras and a boot to his face. Copeland then sends Matthews out of the ring and nails him with a tope suicida.

Matthews then hits Copeland with a hanging DDT and follows it up with a series of boots on Copeland in the corner, but Copeland responds with a flapjack. Both men then teeter on the top rope, but knock each other down to the outside. The referee then begins a ten count, but both men make it back inside. Both men then exchange right hands with each other in the middle of the ring before nailing each other with crossbodies. Matthews then begins to bleed from his mouth.

Copeland then delivers some right and left hands on Matthews in the corner. Matthews then responds with a sit-out powerbomb and both men end up back on the top rope. Copeland then pushes Matthew off, but Matthews joins Copeland back up there. Copeland then hits Matthews with the Impaler and goes for a pin, but Matthews kicks out. Copeland then goes for a spear, but Matthews avoids it and nails Copeland with three knees. Matthews then hits Copeland with a Jackhammer and puts him in a crossface, but Copeland escapes and sends Matthews crashing into the mat. Copeland then goes for a spear once again, but Matthews moves out of the way and sends Copeland crashing into the ring post. Matthews then hits Copeland with a Go To Sleep, but Copeland responds by hitting Matthews with a spear for the win.

The winner and still the TNT Champion, “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland!

After the match, Copeland continues to beat Matthews down and delivers some right and left hands on Matthews. Copeland then grabs a couple of chairs and gets inside the ring with them, then blasts Matthews with one of the chairs. Copeland then lays Matthews’ head in between the chairs, but before he can nail Matthews with the Con-Chair-To, the lights go out. When the lights come back on, Malakai Black is inside the ring and tells Copeland to do it. Copeland then looks to hit Matthews with the chair, but the lights go out once again and when they come back on, Matthews and Black are gone from the ring.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: “The King Of Television” Samoa Joe vs. Private Party’s Isiah Kassidy

The match starts off with Kassidy landing a shot on Joe. Kassidy then tells Joe he doesn’t want any of this and Joe responds by hitting Kassidy with a back body drop and delivering some right and left hands. Kassidy then ends up on the outside and Joe looks to fly, but Kassidy slides back into the ring to avoid the offense from Joe. Kassidy then sends Joe’s head bouncing off the top turnbuckle and looks to fly, but Joe moves out of the way and Kassidy is sent crashing to the floor. Joe then goes for a pop-up powerbomb, but Kassidy responds with a dropkick on Joe in the corner and goes for a Monkey Flip. Joe then blocks Kassidy and hits him with the Muscle Buster for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, “The King Of Television” Samoa Joe!

We then get a video package on Skye Blue, where Blue challenges Willow Nightingale to a match later tonight on Rampage for her TBS Championship.

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy then makes his way down to the ring to address Trent Beretta’s horrendous attack on Chuck Taylor.

Orange Cassidy starts off by saying he thought after Saturday on AEW Rampage when Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta faced off in a Parking Lot Brawl, they will get everything out of their systems and stand together in the ring again. Cassidy then says that is never going to happen and he has been told that because of what Beretta did to Taylor after the match, Taylor will never wrestle again. Cassidy then puts Beretta on notice.

Trent Beretta then makes his way down to the ring and says Cassidy is making things about himself again. Beretta then says Cassidy is making someone’s career ending about him again. Cassidy then charges at Beretta, but security runs down to hold Cassidy back. Kris Statlander then appears to hold Cassidy back as Beretta continues to berate Cassidy. Beretta then whispers something to Cassidy and guides him to the back as Statlander watches on in confusion. Beretta then holds a thumbs up to mock Cassidy.

We then head to the back, where The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson) and Nicholas Jackson are with Renee Paquette. The Young Bucks say they don’t really have time to talk right now as they are trying to find Kenny Omega. Paquette then says she hasn’t seen Omega. The Young Bucks then introduce Jack Perry and leave. Perry says he meant what he said last week and only wants the best for AEW. Perry then says AEW is going in the right direction once again under the direction of The Elite.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is the FTW Championship Match.

FTW Championship Match: “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata

The match starts off with Chris Jericho and Katsuyori Shibata taking turns in putting each other in submission holds. Both men then exchange chops before Jericho sends Shibata crashing into the mat, then follows it up with a springboard moonsault. Jericho then grabs a garbage can lid from under the ring and hits Shibata with it, then grabs a bag from under the ring. Jericho then throws out the contents of the bag and reveals it to be several hockey pucks, then looks to send Shibata crashing onto them. Shibata then prevents Jericho from doing so and sends Jericho crashing onto them, then follows it up with a suplex on Jericho on top of the pucks. Shibata then hits Jericho with a series of chops, then challenges Jericho to return the favor. Jericho obliges and Shibata repeatedly hits Jericho as well.

Shibata then delivers some right hands on Jericho and follows it up with a chop. Shibata then charges at Jericho in the corner, but Jericho throws a hockey puck at him. Jericho then puts Shibata in The Liontamer, but Shibata counters it into a Figure Four Leg Lock. Jericho then grabs a hockey puck and throws it at Shibata’s face to break the hold, then grabs a garbage can and a kendo stick. Jericho then places a garbage can on Shibata’s head, then hits it repeatedly with the kendo stick. Shibata then slowly makes his way up to his feet and corners Jericho as Jericho continues hitting Shibata with the kendo stick. Shibata then hits Jericho with the garbage can and hits a stomp on Jericho, then follows it up with a dropkick.

Shibata then grabs a kendo stick of his own and sits down cross legged in the ring. Jericho then does the same and both men hit each other with kendo sticks. Shibata then hits Jericho with a back suplex on top of the hockey pucks, then grabs a table from under the ring. Shibata then sets the table up in the corner and delivers more chops on Jericho, then charges at him in the corner with the table. Jericho then counters it into a codebreaker and goes for a pin, but Shibata kicks out. Shibata then hits Jericho with a chop, then sets up a table in the corner. Big Bill then appears and blasts Shibata with a boot. Bill then hits a chokeslam on Shibata through the table. Jericho then gets the win on Shibata.

The winner and still the FTW Champion, “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho!

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing TBS Champion Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway. Statlander apologizes for what happened last week and tries to explain herself. Nightingale then says she accepts Skye Blue’s challenge for Rampage later on tonight. The Young Bucks then interrupt via text message to announce that Statlander and Hathaway are banned from ringside for Nightingale’s title match.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: The Mogul Embassy’s “The Machine” Brian Cage vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli

The match starts off with Brian Cage and Claudio Castagnoli looking to nail each other with clotheslines and elbows. Cage then hits Castagnoli with an uppercut and a jackhammer, then follows it up with a tijeras and a dropkick. Castagnoli then hits Cage with a kick on his face, then follows it up a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and a forearm. Cage then hits Castagnoli with a kick, then puts Castagnoli up on his shoulders. Castagnoli then escapes and hits Cage with a bodyslam, then follows it up with a double stomp. Cage then hits a suplex on Castagnoli into the ring from the apron.

Cage then hits Castagnoli with a thrust kick and looks for the 619. Cage then blasts Castagnoli with a discus lariat, but Castagnoli responds with a European Uppercut. Castagnoli then hits Cage with a series of strikes and a boot to his jaw, but Cage responds with a boot of his own. Castagnoli then hits Cage with a second boot and sends Castagnoli crashing into the middle rope, then follows it up with a 619. Castagnoli then hits Cage with a pop-up uppercut and The Swing, then puts Cage in the Sharpshooter and Cage taps out.

The winner of the Singles Match, Claudio Castagnoli!

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing Rocky Romero. Romero says he sides with no one in the feud between Trent Beretta and Orange Cassidy. Romero then says he has told them all he is done with it and his new focus is to become a champion in All Elite Wrestling. Romero then challenges Kyle O’Reilly to a match later tonight on Rampage.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Mariah May vs. “The Professor” Serena Deeb

The match starts off with Deeb hitting May with a dropkick and following it up with a shoulder tackle. Deeb then puts May in a submission. May then responds with a forearm and a tijeras, then follows it up with a dropkick.

Deeb then hits May with a neckbreaker through the middle rope. Deeb then follows it up with a swinging neckbreaker and an uppercut, then hits May with a German suplex. May then hits Deeb with a roundhouse kick on Deeb’s head from the apron, then climbs to the top and hits Deeb with a missile dropkick. May then hits Deeb with the Hip Attack and goes for a pin, but Deeb kicks out. May then hits Deeb with It’s Gonna Be May, then goes for the pin. Deeb then counters into a pinfall of her own, but May kicks out. May then hits Deeb with a headbutt and a T-Bone suplex, but Deeb responds with a Half Boston Crab. Deeb then wrenches it in even more and Storm throws a white towel in the ring.

The winner of the Singles Match, “The Professor” Serena Deeb!

After the match, it is announced that Serena Deeb will be facing “Timeless” Toni Storm for the AEW Women’s World Championship at Double or Nothing.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing TNT Champion “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland. Copeland insists that he is okay from what transpired earlier in the night. Kyle O’Reilly then enters and tells Copeland if he ever needs backup against the House of Black, he will be watching. Copeland then says he appreciates that and wishes him luck against Rocky Romero later tonight on Rampage.

Justin Roberts then introduces Kenny Omega and Omega makes his way down to the ring.

Kenny Omega starts off by saying he has never been good at talking about injuries. Omega then recalls being told by doctors that he was 24 hours away from dying from diverticulitis and asking them to patch him up to return back to AEW. Omega then says the doctors told him it wasn’t that simple and they had to get what was in out of him. Omega then says if they didn’t catch the issue now, the doctors told him it would be a ticking time bomb and any blunt force trauma would send him back to the hospital and into surgery. Omega then recalls being scared and thinking of himself as a coward. Omega then says he thought he would have to explain to the fans that he will have to retire.

Omega then says he turned on AEW to watch AEW Dynasty and saw Swerve Strickland make history and Bryan Danielson and Will Ospreay put on one of the best matches of his life. Omega then recalls watching his hands shake and questions if he was really scared of being a wrestler. Omega then says he realized that everyone is scared of something when he heard fans chanting for him and Justin Roberts announcing him. Omega then says he needs to be in the ring and he has already been forgotten from the conversation of being one of the best of all time. Omega then promises that his career isn’t over until he exhausts every option and he has made it his mission statement to change the world. Omega then addresses The Young Bucks and says while they are free to kick him out of The Elite as EVPs, he is still an EVP in AEW. Omega then says part of the power in AEW still belongs to him.

Kazuchika Okada’s music then hits and Okada makes his way down to the ring. Omega says it is funny because they had a rivalry in Japan. Omega then says to give him a couple of months so they can run it back in an AEW ring. Okada then says he is the best built machine now. Jack Perry then blindsides Omega from behind and Okada hands Perry a chair from under the ring. Security then appears and Perry nails them, but Omega hits Perry with a Snap Dragon suplex. Omega then grabs his stomach and runs the ropes, but Okada distracts him. Perry then hits Omega in the stomach with a chair as The Young Bucks join Perry and Okada in the ring. The Young Bucks then hit the EVP Trigger on Omega. FTR’s music then hits and Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler make their way down to the ring. The Elite then retreats up the ramp as the show comes to a close.

Tags: AEW Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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