Adam Copeland has expressed relief that the wrestling industry has moved away from segments like the infamous live sex celebration. He believes that these types of segments, which were more common in the past, are not in line with the current direction and standards of the wrestling business.

In an interview with Chek Media, Adam Copeland discussed the evolution of wrestling culture over the past few decades. Copeland reflected on the infamous live sex celebration segment he was involved in during his earlier wrestling career. He acknowledged that even at the time, he knew such content was inappropriate.

Copeland explained that today he would have the confidence to decline such a segment if offered, recognizing that he brings more to the table as a performer. He noted that he can achieve greater impact with his storytelling and performance skills rather than relying on cheap gimmicks.

Copeland expressed his appreciation for the industry’s growth and progression away from sensationalized content. He emphasized that wrestling has learned its lesson and moved forward, aligning more closely with society’s progression and expectations. This shift has allowed wrestling to evolve in a positive direction, leaving behind past practices that were often seen as low-hanging fruit.


“Well Adam Copeland now would say no to that. But Adam Copeland then was like, ‘I guess this is part of the gig, this is what I got to do.’ Knowing even at the time, even with time differences or anything like that, it’s like, ‘Well, this sucks,’ and it did. It really did.

Now I have the confidence in myself, confidence as a performer. To know ‘nah I don’t gotta do that. I bring more than that to the table.’ I can do more with my eyes. than I can with trying cheap stuff like that. So that’s nice that the industry has grown from that because yeah, it’s easy to go for low-hanging fruit.

I think that’s one thing that wrestling did a lot of, and thankfully I think has learned its lesson. I think as society has progressed, as everyone has just kind of progressed and moved forward. I think thankfully, it has too, which wasn’t always the case. It could kind of be the outlier who was left lagging behind, but I feel like now it’s different, and in a good way.”

Nevertheless, such segments are now a thing of the past as pro wrestling focuses more on proper storytelling and in-ring action than anything else and that is certainly for the best.

How do you think Adam Copeland’s perspective reflects the broader evolution of the wrestling industry, and what impact do you believe this shift away from sensationalized content will have on the future of professional wrestling? Let us know in the comments.

Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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