WWE has a lot of exciting things in the pipeline, and Jade Cargill’s in-ring debut is coming. The big question is when fans will see her, but she is making great progress as she hones her skills and puts on the finishing touches before her big WWE debut.

While speaking to TMZ, Natalya was asked about Jade Cargill. The shoo-in WWE Hall of Famer had nothing but great things to say about Jade Cargill and her potential.

Jade Cargill has already fit in very well within WWE’s locker room. Odds are she will bless whichever brand she lands on with excellence, and Natalya is very sure of that as well, as she got some personal training time with Cargill as well.

“I think with Jade, she said, “hey, I’d love to come and work with you.” and I was like, “Oh my god, I’d love that.”


“When she came to the Dungeon, to me, I absolutely love working with women that come into the WWE. It makes me so excited and I love how excited she is about jumping into this. I know she has gone through a lot because she, her mom has just passed away recently, so its a very hard time for her life but to be able to give someone that type of diversion and be able to say, “hey lets all work together, and I believe we all get stronger together.” I’m also excited to be working with her in WWE.”

“I believe in Jade, I think she’s going to be awesome. I just think in 2024 and the way women are being used right now, and the track we are about to be on for 2024, starting with the Royal Rumble, I just think we are going to see a whole new era of women’s wrestling that is going to blow everybody away.”

Jade Cargill has a ton of potential, and she is training, but WWE is not going to rush anything with her. At this point, Cargill is waiting for that right moment. Only time will tell if that happens at the Royal Rumble.

Fans may get to see what Jade Cargill has in store for them on January 27th. That might provide her with an amazing opportunity to shine on a huge stage, but they also need to have a great plan in motion the moment her music strikes for the first time.

What’s your take on Jade Cargill’s WWE debut? Does she have a shot at winning the Royal Rumble? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Transcription by Ringside News

Tags: Jade Cargill
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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