Giovanni Vinci, after experiencing match stoppage during the January 1, 2024 Raw episode, took to social media to reassure concerned fans that he’s doing well.

The incident occurred during a match pitting Jey Uso and Kofi Kingston against Imperium. Vinci, positioned on the top rope, took a dropkick directly to the face from Kingston, which resulted in him falling to the floor. As Kingston tagged in Uso for a hot sequence, the referee ultimately decided to end the match for the safety of Vinci. Kingston and Uso were declared the winners due to referee stoppage.

Despite the sudden halt to the match, Vinci appeared to be in stable condition as he was seen walking to the back with assistance but under his own power. Vinci later took to social media, writing in Italian on X that he’s “fine.”

Kofi Kingston also addressed the match stoppage on X, likely indicating the concern and professionalism shared by all involved in the incident.


This incident followed a prior altercation two weeks earlier on Raw when Kofi Kingston, dressed as Santa Claus, was attacked by Imperium in response to comments he made on the show. Jey Uso came to Kingston’s aid, setting the stage for their subsequent match on WWE Raw Day 1.

It’s great to hear that Giovanni Vinci is doing fine after that concerning incident during the match. Wrestling can be physically demanding, and the safety and well-being of the performers are of utmost importance. Kudos to the referee for making the right call in stopping the match to ensure everyone’s safety. Wishing Vinci a smooth recovery and looking forward to seeing him back in action! What are your thoughts on the importance of safety in professional wrestling? Share your views in the comments.

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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