CM Punk’s return to WWE sparked ton of conversations, and there are some big possibilities for the Second City Savior. He’s not back in WWE to make friends, because he wants to make money. He may just make history as well.

CM Punk and Austin’s history includes a WWE Raw encounter on June 13th, 2011, as well as joint appearances in promotional segments for the WWE 13 video game, where they appeared alongside Jim Ross. Recent reports suggest that this dream match might finally come to fruition.

According to recent report, there is momentum building behind the scenes indicating that Steve Austin might square off against CM Punk in a highly anticipated match. This is an absolute dream match that blew up the Internet Wrestling Community as fans discussed the possibilities.

Ringside News reached out to tenured member of the creative team to inquire about the current status of CM Punk vs Steve Austin. We were told that they hadn’t started any creative meetings to lay out plans just yet, because Triple H was just getting back from his incredibly important Los Angeles trip to deal with RAW’s television rights talks.


“Paul LeVesque just got back from the West Coast so we’re just starting to talk about creative for Punk and everything else today.”

After nearly two decades away from wrestling, Stone Cold Steve Austin surprised everyone by entering the WrestleMania main event in 2022 against Kevin Owens, opening the door to a potential return. Sources indicate that Austin was considered for various WrestleMania 39 matchups, though none came to fruition. The prospect of a match against CM Punk remains uncertain.

We will have to see if WWE drops any hints in CM Punk’s promos that point to the Texas Rattlesnake. It appears that the match may be in the pipeline, so fans may just hear Stone Cold’s glass-breaking entrance music again very soon. That being said, it is still incredibly early in the process at this point.

What’s your take on CM Punk vs Steve Austin? Is this a match that you want to see? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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