WWE has seen a tremendous period of time over the past 12 months. They are closing out 2023 on an incredibly high note, as the transformation into TKO Group Holdings with the UFC under Endeavor’s umbrella saw big things.

Triple H was given the keys to the castle, and the company’s creative direction runs under his insight. He has learned a lot along the way, and this is an opportunity that he isn’t going to let slip away from him.

Before Saturday’s WWE Survivor Series event, Triple H sat down with Sports Illustrated for an interview covering various subjects, including insights he received from Vince McMahon on wrestling booking.

Vince McMahon taught Triple H a lot. When he had a chance to speak about this, Triple H said that Vince taught him to always put himself in the fans’ place.


“Vince taught me years ago, you put yourself in the seats and you’ll never go wrong. You’ve always got to maintain that perspective. I started out as a fan. Book what people want to feel and see.”

Triple H has big goals as a booker in WWE. He wants to approach the stories that WWE tells in his own way, ensuring that fans are fully invested at the same time.

“Writing this stuff is a feel. You can analyze stories and how they come together, but how does it make you feel? If you can make people feel those stories, they’re going to be invested in the product. That’s how we try to approach, find that ultimate emotional place for the talent and the characters and the stories they’re in.”

Triple H also spoke about how important it is to give back to the fans. He realizes that WWE fans are the company’s lifeblood, and he will continue giving them the quality entertainment that they deserve.

“We don’t take our fan base for granted. And the way our talent operates is different from other generations. They want to go out there and put on the best possible show they can. A lot of these kids are already invested–they grew up wanting to do this. And if they didn’t, they fell in love with it by learning from people who grew up wanting to be in this business, and that’s how they learned the respect for it. To me, that’s what makes you successful. That connection with our fan base, that’s a big part of our core.”

WWE is in a booming period right now, and it’s not hard to see why. Not only are they selling out building all over, but the company’s creative direction has a brand-new coat of paint as well. Now, we will just have to see what is in store for everyone involved as they continue into 2024.

What’s your take on Triple H’s creative direction for WWE? Let us know what you think about this in the comments section!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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