WWE offers their Superstars an opportunity to find great success, but a lot of things need to click before magic really happens. Although a Superstar’s push might make sense, sometimes unexpected factors, like fans just not caring, plays a big part in how things go down.

Riddick Moss became Madcap Moss, and he was just getting a heel turn going with Emma before disappearing from WWE television after they changed his name back to Riddick Moss. His story in WWE is not a simple one, as the 2022 Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal winner had trouble in the past getting over with fans.

Ringside News reached out to ask about what is going on with Riddick Moss. A tenured member of the creative team told us that “no one knows what to do” with him. He has a few key aspects that could make him a great WWE Superstar, but he has not connected with fans at all.

No one knows what to do with Madcap Moss. He’s a great athlete, but he doesn’t connect with the audience, and the audience doesn’t connect with him.


Riddick Moss has gone through injury situations in the past. He also missed WWE television for very long time during the pandemic, due to personal family concerns. Ringside News previously reported that he was quite open about that situation as he said, “I was having a blast. Then COVID came and everything shut down, especially for me with my personal situation with my brother having cystic fibrosis and living with him.”

Riddick Moss and Emma are both still active Superstars on the WWE roster. His last match was on July 17th, as he beat Tozawa on Main Event. He is also still listed as a RAW Superstar on WWE’s roster page, so hope is not lost. In the meantime, it wouldn’t be a great idea to bet on his comeback.

Emma is still very active on social media, and Moss is still in great shape as well. He recently proved that with an impressive video. Right now, they can only stay ready in case WWE gives them another opportunity.

We will keep a close eye on this story, and many more in the pro wrestling world, right here at Ringside News. Check out those comments below to sound off and let us know what you’re thinking!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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