WWE kept running through the coronavirus pandemic and the company hasn’t missed a show yet. Some Superstars decided not to take the risk and go to the tapings. Riddick Moss disappeared, but nobody knew why.

Riddick Moss revealed on the Spark In The Dark podcast that he hasn’t been at any WWE events because of his brother. COVID-19 has disastrous effects on people with weakened immune systems and Moss’ brother suffers from cystic fibrosis.

“I was having a blast. Then COVID came and everything shut down, especially for me with my personal situation with my brother having cystic fibrosis and living with him.”

Riddick Moss has a great look and an athletic background. Some thought he was in store for a push down the line. He held the WWE 24/7 Title and then suddenly, he vanished. This was a choice he made for his brother’s safety.


Moss didn’t confirm when he will be back, but he gave no indication that there was any problem with WWE regarding his choice to stay home.

Thanks to Pro Wrestling Sheet for the quote

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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