Ryback has not been around any other pro wrestling company since he left WWE to focus on his health, and this is something he took seriously. Now, years later, he is still addressing rumors that come out about him about his time in Vince McMahon’s company.

Ryback has needed to deal with a few annoying things in recent memory. From handling stalker situation to beef with Booker T, Ryback’s life is far from boring. Now, he has to deal with another pesky rumor that he had heat in his former employer.

While talking on a recent live stream, Ryback was asked about Dutch Mantell’s claim that he has heat with people backstage in WWE. Ryback claimed that he always got along with Dutch, and he also stayed away from drama the best he could.

I got along with Dutch great while I was with WWE. I reached out to Dutch and offered to talk with him. He, I don’t think, is. I think he’s saying things for WWE. We’ve talked about the rumors that I had backstage heat in WWE. That is a lie. If that was the truth, then that would have been coming out while I was there. I wouldn’t have been working with top people, and in a position where I was if that was the truth.


You would have heard stories that I was reprimanded or pulled off shows, but that is not true. I can’t say I always got along with everyone, but I was in the locker room. I always came early, I always stayed late. I got along with everybody that worked there, everybody.

I don’t know, could there be bleacher stand people who go there and sit there and talk about people, but I always stayed away from that.

We’ll have to keep our eyes on Ryback, because his pro wrestling career is not over yet. He is just waiting for his doctors to give him that green light for his return to the ring.

It doesn’t really matter how much Ryback is loved in the WWE locker room, because he already made it very clear that he will never return to the company. He claims that they lied to him so much that he wouldn’t take a multi-million dollar deal to come back.

What’s your take on Ryback’s time in WWE? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you’re thinking!

Transcription by Ringside News

Tags: Ryback
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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