There is a huge strike going on in Hollywood that could change the course of history. Actors and writers are fighting against movie studios over the rights to their own images, work and their future. AI is becoming a big problem. Where it should be used as a tool, movie studios are looking to cash in however they can, shorting actors and writers in the process, while trying to make them obsolete. While this might matter to Stephen Amell, it didn’t change his schedule when promoting Heels.

The Starz show, Heels, is based in pro wrestling, and Stephen Amell was already a super fan. Now, it looks like he is getting a bit of flack from fans for promoting that show while there’s a strike going on.

When asked during a recent Q&A, Stephen Amell responded that he is “isolated in Hollywood,” because that’s where he lives. He then went on to pick his words very carefully as he said that nobody really knows about the strike outside Hollywood.

Stephen Amell said that “I support my union, and I stand with them. I do not support striking. I don’t.” He does not think that it is a very good tactic to get what you want out of talks between sides.


“I find the whole thing incredibly frustrating, and I think that, as it pertains to shows, like the show I’m on that premiered last night, I think that it’s myopic, and I stand with my union.”

Some fans didn’t like what Stephen Amell said about the strike, because if he stands with his union, then he needs to support their choices. This strike will carry on for a while, or at least until one side breaks. Only time will tell what kind of history they are able to make, but this strike could certainly have a lot of important ramifications.

What’s your take on the strike in Hollywood? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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