WWE has their eyes on the entire pro wrestling landscape, and they also realize how important each slot on their roster is. They are no longer signing up huge classes of indie wrestlers, instead they have decided to focus on college athletes who could make the transition to pro wrestling. That left them in an interesting place.

Brian Pillman Jr is a perfect example of a free agent that WWE would normally scoop up. At this time, he is still a free agent, and although it is reported that his contract is in process, we have not heard anything official.

During Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer noted that WWE is being very selective with who they sign. This is the reason why they let Rush sign with AEW. In the end, Brian Pillman Jr might not be high enough on the totem pole to get a contract.

Everyone knows that WWE is not hiring a lot of guys. If it was Rush, then maybe, but he got a higher offer from AEW. They weren’t gonna go as high as AEW was willing to go for him. If it’s someone really big, then they’ll hire them, but I don’t know if Pillman is big enough.

It was noted that Brian Pillman Jr. said that he has something going on that he can’t talk about, and usually that means a contract is in play. That being said, WWE has also put a lot of their eggs in one basket with the NIL Program at this time, as Meltzer continued to explain.

I was just told that unless it’s someone really big they’re not hiring, they’ve got so many people under contract right now. They really stuck their whatever out for these college athletes they’re bringing in, and they got a bunch more that are ready to start on TV.

WWE always has new stars in NXT waiting in the wings for their opportunities to perform on television. Now, we will have to see what the company decides to do, but it could also mean passing on certain stars along the way.

What’s your take on WWE’s current hiring process? Should they stop concentrating so much on cross-over athletes? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you’re thinking!

Transcription by Ringside News

Tags: WWE Featured
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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