Cody Rhodes has bet on himself a few times, and that has paid off in a big way. The American Nightmare’s return to WWE was met with a huge reception from fans, and Vince McMahon also enjoyed having the grandson of a plumber back in his company.

While speaking to Chris Van Vliet, Cody Rhodes discussed his interaction with Vince McMahon, especially how he reacted to Cody showing up. The American Nightmare said that he had no fear, so he just walked in and leaned over The Chairman’s shoulder.

Vince McMahon likely appreciated how comfortable Cody Rhodes was, so that struck up a conversation about Liberty, Cody and Brandi Rhodes’ daughter. That started the beginning of a great return run for Cody.

“That’s a good question, I think he laughed. He has that like, [impersonates Vince laugh] I think he laughed. Because I kind of snuck in. But I like leaned over him, and I think he kind of laughed. I remember going in to talk to him. I wasn’t afraid of anything, and I was overcompensating almost. I was very adamant of like, I’m not, I’ve used the Bernie Mac reference a bunch, but he walks out and the crowds kind of booing him, he tells me he’s not scared of them. That’s really where I was at. It’s like, we’re good. Not scared of anything here, let’s talk. And I was almost overcompensating because both Vince and Bruce were so welcoming. So, this is the term I can use, sweet, and so positive about what I had done.”


“The fact that they knew what I had done and actually were citing different things, like I saw this, I saw this, I couldn’t believe it. It was very self-affirming. And it just went like that type of happy go lucky. We’re talking about, I had, you know, Liberty was a year old or maybe not even at that time. And he’s talking to me about what it’s like to be a you know, a dad for a daughter and how special it is, it was just beautiful. And then like in the last 20 seconds of the meeting it was, Seth Rollins at WrestleMania, you know, that’s where the only business came up. And it was, I told Brandi I would say this, but I was adamant about saying please don’t do one of those hey, this is the deal, if you leave it’s off the table, don’t do one of those. I have to leave and think about it. I have to. And even in your mind, you’re like yep, I think we’re gonna do that. Even your mind, I have to leave to think about it and take some time because man, we had made such massive decisions. And I’m kind of a career left turn guy with, no way would he do this, well he did that. So, this one was going to be something similar but really special. Didn’t feel like a meeting until maybe the last 30 seconds.”

Since his WrestleMania return last year, Cody Rhodes has been on a roll. Despite taking months off due to a pectoral injury, he is still going with a ton of steam and a third match with Brock Lesnar is going down at SummerSlam.

Vince McMahon can still call the shots with the call of a phone. This is a luxury he has earned as Chairman of the Board. Even though Triple H is Chief Content Officer now, Cody Rhodes obviously has Triple H’s favor as well. After all, The Game really gets a kick out of how fans should “WOAH!” every time Cody Rhodes makes his entrance.

We will keep checking back with Ringside News for more on this story, and many more, about the entire pro wrestling world. As always, please use the comments below to let us know what you think!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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