WWE has a lot of things going on, but fan attention was drawn away from the company for one big story over the weekend. Matt Cardona is very good at garnering attention, and he did it again in a big way. He also put his wife, Chelsea Green, in a bit of a tough spot.

Matt Cardona wore WWE Women’s Tag Team Title belt at a recent DDT Pro show in Japan. A lot of fans reacted to this in a big way, as some called the move out as disrespecting the titles that Chelsea Green and Sonya Deville just won.

Ringside News reached out to see how this move landed internally in WWE. After all, Matt Cardona and WWE are no strangers to each other, as he worked as Zack Ryder for a decade there.

A tenure member of the WWE creative team was quite honest with us as they admitted that the story about Chelsea Green’s title ending up on a DDT Pro show hasn’t come up at all. We were told that nobody has discussed it yet, but there are many more important matters to discuss within the company right now.


No one seems to have cared to discuss it yet. I’m sure it’s been a discussion up above, or will be. We have so much to tend to right now, that’s not going to be a priority conversation.

Chelsea Green also fired back at fans who were shading her over the incident. She explained that the title belt Matt Cardona wore at the DDT Pro event was a replica, and not the real thing. That might have cooled some fans off, but it was still a pretty bold move.

We will have to see what’s next for Chelsea Green and Sonya Deville as WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. The company has a lot of faith in them right now, as there is a hope that the duo will be able to stabilize the WWE women’s tag team division.

What’s your take on this whole title belt fiasco? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you’re thinking!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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