Ryback’s stalker situation is not going away, and this crazed fan, Chase, is only getting more brazen. The Big Guy recently held a live stream, and things were kicked up a notch when Chase called in.

Ryback previously revealed on Twitter, after receiving an email from the platform’s standards team to let him know that his stalker has made no violation of their policy, to vent a bit. Ryback went off and called out Elon Musk and Twitter for allowing this kind of threatening behavior against him. He also revealed that the FBI has already been contacted. There is a reason why he’s so upset.

This is why I went ahead and contacted the FBI. This is disgusting @elonmusk @lindayacc @TwitterSupport that you’re willingly allowing behavior like this to one be allowed and two not doing anything about. What kind of world are we living in where you willingly ignore this from someone who has a 12 year history of crazy behavior towards me? 7 years of wrongfully restricting and suppressing my account and now letting death threats slide along with making account after account to harass. Everyone please like and share this, it’s a very serious situation and this is unacceptable.

A few days after Ryback sent that tweet, Chase the stalker called into Ryback’s live stream, and he had a lot to say. Ryback wasn’t backing down as the two stood toe-to-toe with his stalker. He even challenged Chase to an MMA fight.


Ryback’s stalker also threatened his mother and dogs’ lives. This was not a situation that he takes lightly at all. Chase said that “this is not a joke to me,” and then he made references to a mutual friend he might have with Ryback, but he didn’t drop a name.

This rant continued as Ryback tried to get two words in sideways, but Chase continued to carry on with his angry call. Ryback tried to wrap things up as well, but Chase wasn’t having it at all.

“F*ck you, f*ck you, go to the Las Vegas Police or whoever you go to, because I swear to god, I will see you when I see you,” Chase continued. The whole time, Ryback just let his stalker talk.

Ryback tried to tell Chase that all of these threats will only hurt him in the end. Then, Chase promised that if he goes to prison, then he will “take you out of this world.” There were serious threats of physical violence as he promised to “hurt you when I see you.” This was a promise, but Ryback replied that “when you see me, I’ll see you.”

Chase also thanked Ryback for posting a photo of his mother for Mother’s Day, because he knows what she looks like now. The call continued for quite some time, as Ryback continued to doubt that Chase was even in Las Vegas on top of it all.

We can only hope that things in this situation do not escalate into violence. Ryback didn’t seem too shaken up, despite the fact that Chase kept bringing up local Las Vegas workout spots that Ryback frequents. You may check out the video below to see this insane detail.

What’s your take on how Ryback handled this situation? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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