WWE has seen a few injuries in their history, and some of them take place in the ring. Triple H famously injured his quad in 2007, but he carried on with the match. Video footage of that injury is famous, but Ryback claims that footage exists that would put that to shame.

While speaking to the Roundtable Wrestling podcast, Ryback discussed his history in the ring. He also revealed that footage of him exists that would put Triple H’s quad injury to shame. Sadly, WWE is keeping that under lock and key.

“A lot of people dont know this but at 28 years old in the Nexus I broke my ankle like Conor McGregor, ankle flopping. I poped up, I didn’t sit down and I did an entire comeback for a minute or a minute and a half straight and I won the match. I spiral broke my leg all the way to my knee.”

“WWE refused to give that footage or show the fans. It would have put that Triple H video, where he tore his quad to shame. That footage exists and they don’t want people to see it.”


“I literally broke my leg in 3 places, flopping around. Popped up and kept running and broke my leg to my knee. I’m hell-bent on showing people my passion and what I had to do to get my health back.”

Ryback hasn’t made a return to the pro wrestling ring yet. He’s been getting his body right, and he’s kept in great shape in the process.

Dolph Ziggler recently tweeted out that he wanted to see Goldberg vs Ryback. The Big Guy saw that and later thanked his old friend for the vote of confidence. In fact, Ryback later revealed that he pitched that match to WWE, but they rejected it.

We will have to see how Ryback makes headlines next. In the meantime, keep checking back with us here at Ringside News.

Transcribed by Ringside News

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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