Joey Janela has certainly made lot of choices during his time in pro wrestling. He was known as a death match wrestler for a while, and that also took its toll on him. He is still working the roads, and catching indie dates. That also helps him work up quire an appetite.

Fightful’s paywall recently included notes from a recent interview with Joey Janela. When asked about his favorite food to eat in a city, he had a very interesting response. The Bad Boy likes to do his own research and then blow a ton of money on food and booze.

When asked what Janela’s favorite food is to eat on the road. He said when he goes to a city, he will get on Google, compare reviews, look at star ratings, and then blow all his merch money on food and alcohol.

Joey Janela was also asked about the strangest place he’s ever wrestled. As a road working indie wrestler, Janela had to pinpoint one gig with GCW at Six Flags Great Adventure as the strangest event he’s ever worked.


Joel asked Janela where was the weirdest place he had ever wrestled. Janela said that in the early GCW days, they did a show at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey. Janela said the entrance was where they did their Batman show. Janela said you had different types of Gotham City buildings by the entrance- way. Janela also recalled a Falls Count Anywhere match that he had in England. Janela said it went viral because it was on a double-decker bus, and he almost got arrested.

Joey Janela seems to be having a good time on the road as a pro wrestler. It seems that his AEW days are behind him, but GCW is still providing him with even more opportunities. Hopefully, he is very happy with this choice in his life.

We’ll have to see what Joey Janela does to grab headlines next. His social media is always good for a laugh, especially when he’s in the mood. Either way, if you ever catch Janela at an indie gig you might want to ask him where he’s eating after the show.

What’s your take on Joey Janela blowing all of his money on food and booze? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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