It’s Monday night, and you know what that means! WWE RAW will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage.

WWE RAW will start this week at 8:00 PM EST, as always. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

Tonight promises another exciting night of action as we inch closer to WWE Backlash. Tonight on RAW, Seth Rollins will go one-on-one with The Miz and Austin Theory will renew his rivalry with Bobby Lashley. Trish Stratus will also explain her actions from last week.

The updated match card is as follows:

  • Seth Rollins vs. The Miz
  • Austin Theory vs. Bobby Lashley
  • Trish Stratus explains her actions from last week
  • Brock Lesnar returns to RAW

WWE RAW Opener:

The opening package for the show airs.

The commentators welcome the audience to the show.

The Usos’ theme song plays and they come out to the ring with Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa.

Paul Heyman starts by introducing himself. He also says he has information that history is about to unfold tonight. The Judgment Day’s music hit and they come out to the ring.

Priest shakes hands with Paul Heyman. Heyman says it’s a very good day to be a bad guy. He says a short term deal was engineered by Roman Reigns between Judgment Day and Bloodline. Jey says he didn’t know about it.

Heyman says Reigns didn’t want them to know about because he wanted them to be caught off guard. Heyman says that even Balor isn’t happy about this but he’ll put aside his feelings for the time being.

Heyman says Judgment Day has a Bad Bunny concern and Solo is good at dealing with concerns. He then asks Jey to switch positions with Solo. Rhea also switches her positions.

Heyman says Solo will handle Bad Bunny for them. He then says Riddle, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn will take on the Judgment Day. He then says Solo will face Rey Mysterio.

Rey Mysterio vs. Solo Sikoa

Rey Mysterio’s music plays and he comes out to the ring.

*Commercial break*

The match begins and Solo knocks down Rey with a back elbow. He then hits a bodyslam. Solo headbutts Rey and attacks him in the corner. Solo goes to work on Rey.

Rey tries to fight back but is knocked down. Rey trips Solo into the turnbuckle and climbs the top rope but is stopped by Solo. Both men fall to the outside.

*Commercial break*

Solo goes to work on Rey. He attacks Rey in the corner and goes for the hip attack but Rey escapes. Rey fights back with a senton and a dropkick. Cover! 1…2…kick out. He goes for a moonsault but is caught and planted with a Samoan drop. Cover! 1…2….kick out.

Rey Mysterio hits the 619 and a splash. Cover! 1…2…kick out. The Usos come out and distract Rey. Latino World Order jump the barricade and attack The Usos. Rey goes for a 619 but is caught. Rey fights out of it and hits the 619. He goes for a splash and misses. Solo hits the Samoan Spike for the win.

Winner: Solo Sikoa

The Usos attack LWO after the match. They then hit the 1D on Rey Mysterio.

Chad Gable is backstage with Adam Pearce and he says if one of them is drafted to one brand, the other should go with it. Maxxine pitches to be put with Otis. Pearce says he will take it under advisement.

Bianca Belair vs. Dakota Kai

Bianca Belair’s music plays and she comes out to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Dakota Kai’s music plays and she comes out to the ring.

The match begins and Kai drags Belair down using her hair. Belair throws Kai across the ring. She then hits a dropkick. She hits a hip toss and a moonsault. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Kai kicks Belair in the face knocking her out of the ring.

*Commercial break*

Belair hits a running block buster. She hits a dropkick and a suplex. She hits another suplex. Belair hits a moonsault. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Kai fights back and plants Belair. Kai attacks Belair in the corner.

She climbs the top rope and goes for the stomp but misses and Belair hits a back breaker. She goes for the KOD but is blocked. Kai sends Belair into the turnbuckle. She goes for a big boot but misses and Belair hits the KOD for the win.

Winner: Bianca Belair

Cody Rhodes is show walking to the ring backstage.

*Commercial break*

Judgment Day is backstage and Dominik says Damian Priest doesn’t need to be Bad Bunny’s friend. Heyman walks by and asks if they are satisfied. Balor replies, “Heh.”

Heyman says they better get the job done against Riddle, Zayn, and Owens. Priest says they always get the job done.

Cody Rhodes’ music plays and he walks to the ring. He starts by saying he knows who he wants to talk to and calls out Brock Lesnar. Adam Pearce comes out and says he cannot let him do that tonight.

He says he can’t do it because he isn’t medically cleared to be here tonight. He pleads with Cody to leave the ring. Cody agrees and says he is going to leave. He gets down from the ring and brings a steel chair into the ring. Pearce pleads with Cody to leave the ring and calls out security.

Brock Lesnar’s music plays and he comes out. Pearce continues to plead with him and agrees to give him the match against Lesnar at Backlash. Cody attacks the security personnel. More security personnel come out to stop Cody. Brock Lesnar leaves and Cody attacks the security personnel.

He says he spent the entire of last week thinking about Lesnar and he calls him a coward.

*Commercial break*

Brock Lesnar is shown walking backstage.

Seth Rollins vs. The Miz

The Miz’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Seth Rollins’ theme song plays and he comes out to the ring.

The Miz attacks him from behind and sends him into the steel steps. He sends him back into the ring and attacks him.

The match starts and The Miz continues to attack Rollins. Rollins fights back with a clothesline and sends him out of the ring. He then hits a suicide dive and does it again and again. Rollins sent into the timekeeper’s area.

*Commercial break*

Rollins with an enzuigiri. He hits a couple of clotheslines and knocks Miz down. He then hits a slingblade. Cover! 1…2…kick out. The Miz hits Rollins with a codebreaker. Cover! 1…2..kick out.

Miz goes for a kick but is caught and Rollins hits the buckle bomb. He goes for a splash but The Miz gets his knees up. Miz goes for Skull crushing finale but Rollins gets out of it. Miz targets Rollins’ knee and locks in the figure four leg lock. Rollins gets to the rope.

Rollins with a blow to Miz’s head. He goes for the stomp but The Miz escapes and hits two DDTs. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Miz sets Rollins on the top rope. He goes for a skull crushing finale but Rollins fights back and hits a superplex into a falcon arrow. He hits the stomp for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Riddle, Zayn, and Owens are backstage discussing their match. Zayn says Riddle had some ideas. Owens asks him to leave the strategizing to them. Riddle says he should wrap up his toe and use it like an Samoan Spike and call it a Toe Bro. He then says he was kidding and says he isn’t here to joke around and waste time. He says he is going to bring the fight tonight and at Backlash.

*Commercial break*

Bobby Lashley vs. Austin Theory

Bobby Lashley’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Austin Theory’s theme song plays and he comes out to the ring.

The match starts and Lashley knocks down Theory. He then plants him down and locks a front face lock. Theory fights back but Lashley hits a suplex. He sends Theory outside the ring. Lashley plants Theory again.

Theory fights back and attacks Lashley in the corner. Lashley comes back attacks Theory who rolls out of the ring. Lashley goes after him and Theory attacks Lashley but it isn’t enough as Lashley slams Theory into the ring post.

*Commercial break*

Theory goes to work on Lashley. Theory with a vicious right hand to Lashley. Theory sent into the post. Lashley with a clothesline and a spinebuster. He then attacks him in the corner and knocks him down. Lashley goes for a spear but Theory evades. Theory goes for the A-Town Down but Lashley escapes and hits the Dominator. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Lashley locks in the hurt lock. Bronson Reed attack them both ending the match.

Winner: No Contest

He then assaults Lashley and hits him with a shoulder tackle. Lashley tries to fight back with a hurt lock but Theory dropkicks him from the back. Reed then hits the Tsunami.

Trish Stratus’s theme song plays and she comes out to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Trish starts by saying when she first came to WWE, women’s wrestling was a joke and she changed everything. She also says she was the women’s division and was the first woman to main event RAW. She says without her, there would be no women’s revolution.

She says she changed everything. But Becky Lynch claims that the Four Horsewomen started the Women’s Revolution. She says she let it slide for a long time. So, she returned and became close to Becky but she didn’t thank her even once.

She says Becky even convinced Lita to team up with her but she is nobody’s sidekick. She says it was getting sad, so she took out Lita to put her out of her misery because she wanted it to be clear that the person who screwed Becky out of those titles was her.

She says she is not Becky’s friend. She says she wasn’t about to let Becky Lynch rewrite history and she calls herself the most important figure in WWE history.

Cathy Kelley interviews Cody who says he is satisfied that Brock accepted his challenge but he is also confused about the events and the fact that he has to apologize to Adam Pearce. He also says he can’t allow Brock Lesnar to win.

Raquel Rodriguez’s music plays and she comes out. Liv Morgan’s music plays next and she comes out to join Raquel Rodriguez.

*Commercial break*

Candice LeRae & Michin vs. Chelsea Green & Sonya Deville

Sonya Deville’s music plays and she comes out with Chelsea Green.

The match begins with Michin and Chelsea Green. She attacks Green and tags out Candace continues to attack Green. Chelsea tags out and Candace hits a double DDT. Green distracts Candace and Sonya takes advantage.

She tags out and they hit a double suplex. Candac tags out and Michin attacks both women. Michin and Candace with a dropkick to their opponents. Michin goes for Eat Defeat but Chelsea Green hits her with Imprettier from behind.

Winner: Chelsea Green & Sonya Deville

After the match, Chelsea Green pours a drink on Liv Morgan before running away.

*Commercial break*

The Street Profits, Boogs, Elias discuss the draft. Corbin comes in and reminds them that tag teams could get split up. They go to speak with Pearce. Elias says he may get picked first in the draft but he will put in a word for him.

The Usos are backstage and they everyone who stepped up to them have been put back down and they will see their opponents at Backlash.

Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn & Matt Riddle vs. Judgment Day

The Judgment Day’s music plays and they come out to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Matt Riddle’s music plays and he comes out. Kevin Owens’ music plays next and he joins him. Sami Zayn’s music plays next and he walks out to join them. They make their way to the ring.

The match begins with Sami Zayn and Finn Balor in the ring. Zayn with an arm drag to Finn. Balor tags out to Dominik. He also tags out to Damian Priest. Zayn tags out to Kevin Owens.

Owens with dropkick and a senton to Priest. Priest tags out. Owens slams Balor to the mat. Balor takes out the knee of Owens. Rhea attacks Owens outside the ring. Balor sends Owens back into the ring and attacks him.

Owens tags out and Riddle attacks Balor and Priest. He hits a broton and a fisherman suplex. Cover! 1…2..kick out. Balor tags out but Riddle stops Priest from entering the ring. He also sends Dominik outside. Priest slams him on the apron.

*Commercial break*

Priest knocks Riddle down. He tags in Finn Balor who attacks him and The Judgment perform quick tags.

Riddle fights back with a German suplex. He tags out and Zayn attacks Dominik and hits a back body drop. He then climbs the top rope but is stopped by Dominik. He hits a sunset flip power bomb. Cover! 1..2..kick out. Zayn climbs the top rope but is pushed off by Rhea. Dominik with a frog splash. Cover! 1…2…Owens breaks it.

Sami sends Priest outside and goes for a dive but is tripped by Rhea who gets ejected from ringside. Zayn hits the blue thunder bomb. Cover! 1….2…kick out. Sami tags out and Owens goes for the swanton bomb but his knees were raised. Dominik tags out.

Balor goes for the stomp and misses. Owens tags out and hits the stunner. Sami hits the Helluva kick and tags out to Riddle who hit the floating bro for the win.

Winner: Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Matt Riddle

The Usos and Solo Sikoa come out and attack them. The LWO and Rey Mysterio come out to attack The Bloodline. All of them brawl in and around the ring. Rey hits a 619 on Dominik and Owens plants Priest on the announcer’s desk.

This ends our live coverage of WWE RAW!

Sunil Joseph

Passionate pro wrestling fan. Sunil has been writing WWE content writing for over the last five years. Sunil still gets excited when he gets to tell people that he gets paid to watch pro wrestling.

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