WWE is bringing one of the biggest events on their yearly schedule to London’s O2 Arena on July 1st. Money in the Bank will likely be an exciting night, and it could change WWE’s landscape as well. That being said, the company still has a bit of time before the event rolls around.

A report is going around saying that LA Knight is currently a very popular candidate backstage to win the 2023 Men’s Money in the Bank match. While that would be a huge feather in his cap, that plan has not been nailed down at all.

Ringside News reached out to confirm that LA Knight is a front-runner to win the 2023 Men’s Money in the Bank match. We were told that any report suggesting that LA Knight is going to win the 2023 Money in the Bank ladder match is “fake news” at this time.

WWE creative has a lot of things on their plate, including two pay-per-views in May. They have Backlash in Puerto Rico on May 6th, and they are traveling to Saudi Arabia for Night of Champions on May 27th. That being said, they have not opened up discussion on Money in the Bank yet.


We were told that WWE has not discussed Money in the Bank winners yet. Since this subject has yet to come up in WWE creative, there is no way that LA Knight, or anyone else for that matter, could be a front-runner to win this year’s MITB briefcase.

We will have to see what’s in the future for LA Knight in WWE. If anything, it certainly seems like the rumor mill is pulling for the former Eli Drake to get an amazing opportunity in WWE this Summer.

What’s your take on Money in the Bank this year? Who should pull down the briefcase? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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