WWE is notorious for shaking up its roster. Quite often, WWE Superstars are moved between brands with very little reason given for the change. It looks like WWE is moving its talent around once again.

Earlier today, it was reported that the Maximum Male Models has officially switched brands. After spending the last few months on SmackDown, they are now officially moved to RAW.

Now, PW Insider is reporting that Los Lotharios, the team consisting of Humberto and Angel Garza, is also going to make the move to Monday Night RAW. This marks 5 Superstars in total that WWE is swapping around.

“PWInsider.com can exclusively confirm that Maximum Male Models, Maxine Dupri aa wel as Los Lotharios, Angel and Humberto have all been shifted to the Raw brand.”


While it was confirmed that there will be an angle on tonight’s episode of RAW to solidify the switch, there has been no such confirmation regarding Los Lotharios. The reason behind the switch is also yet to be determined.

Los Lotharios haven’t really lived up to the expectations as a team recently. Therefore, it will be interesting to see if this move to the red brand could help them get over. Stay tuned to Ringside News for live coverage of WWE RAW.

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Tags: WWE Featured
Sunil Joseph

Passionate pro wrestling fan. Sunil has been writing WWE content writing for over the last five years. Sunil still gets excited when he gets to tell people that he gets paid to watch pro wrestling.

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