WWE saw the departure of Adam Hopkins this week. Losing another long-time employee isn’t a big surprise within WWE nowadays, but Hopkins was the Vice President of Communications, and he was with the company for over two decades. This rose a few red flags around WWE and within the pro wrestling community as a whole.

Ringside News asked around about Adam Hopkins’ release, and a tenured source within the company told us that, “No one knows. Maybe because he’s been here 25 years, they wanted to get his severance package to hit during a certain quarter if the company is being prepped for sale?” It was noted that this is “just a theory floating around the tower.”

Nobody really knows the reason behind Adam Hopkins’ WWE departure. He will be missed within the company and throughout the pro wrestling world. Many fans never realized his contributions and how his invisible hand within WWE helped many stories along, because he was the guy who sent out press releases, arranged media calls, and directed so many other questions that needed to be addressed.

Adam Hopkins’ 25-year tenure with WWE will likely see him in high demand once he starts looking for a new employer. If anything, a 25-year severance package with WWE will help him with that transition.


WWE is changing in a big way, and it’s anyone’s guess how things will be different by the end of the year. If the company is preparing for a sale, then their goal for the middle of 2023 could still be in sight.

What’s your take on this situation with WWE’s sale? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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