Dax Harwood is one of the most accomplished tag team wrestlers of this generation. He along with Cash Wheeler, collectively known as FTR are among the top tag teams in AEW. However, recent reports suggest that Harwood is currently working hurt.

According to a new report by Fighful Select, Dax Harwood is working hurt and is still banged up from his match at the ROH Final Battle pay-per-view against The Briscoes in a Double Dog Collar match in December 2022. Harwood was reportedly injured after being suplexed by Jay Briscoe onto a pile of steel chairs.

On this related note, another AEW tag team wrestler, Anthony Henry, is said to be fine after it was believed that he and his partner JD Drake got injured at AEW Dark’s tapings last Saturday. Despite not working the CDW indie event on Sunday, word has it that Henry’s injury is not that serious, and he would be good to wrestle at The Wrestival indie event this week.

Furthermore, it has been reported that Anthony Henry was just sore due to working four matches at the AEW Dark tapings. He is expected to make full recovery and not miss any further in-ring action.


Dax Harwood has wrestled two matches since being injured, while Anthony Henry competed in four matches. He wrestled in three tag team matches and one singles bout. Stay tuned for more updates on the injury status of the AEW superstars.

Do you think AEW has one of the best tag team divisions in the wrestling business? Sound off in the comments!

Nikunj Walia

Nikunj Walia is a versatile creative professional renowned for his out-of-the-box thinking. With a knack for innovation and adaptability, he excels across diverse niches. From content creation to event hosting, digital expertise, and Indian influencing, Nikunj aims to carve a distinctive identity for himself. His mission? Revolutionizing how wrestling content is consumed, one groundbreaking idea at a time.

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