Being a billionaire, Vince McMahon has led life that is very different from ordinary people in many respects. In fact, he has been the subject of lot of ludicrous tales over the years, most of which come to be true. Recently, an ex-WWE superstar made an interesting claim about Mr. McMahon rejecting what could have been a sure-fire idea.

Former WWE superstar Santino Marella recently spoke exclusively to about wide range of topics. The conversation touched on a variety of subjects, including his history as a wrestler, his daughter Arianna Grace’s involvement in NXT, and his time as the IC Champion.

Santino Marella talked about the crowd reaction to him almost winning some of the bigger matches on pay-per-view. He referred to his intense matches as being “special.”

“Every time something like that happened where I knew we were gonna come close, I just looked at it like, Okay, this is gonna be cool. In hindsight, you always, especially the Elimination Chamber, you look back and like, damn, that was something special that night. People still talk about that to this day where it was one of the biggest mistakes in terms of writing that the WWE ever made, you know, one thing they should have allowed to happen to satisfy the crowd.”


When I talked to people that were there for the Royal Rumble, and they were like, ‘Man, we thought you’re gonna win and we were cool with it. We were good.’ But like, Okay, thank you. Santino is going to be in the main event of Mania. I’m good with that. That means a lot to me that fans were cool, or just it made sense at the time, that this was the direction they were going to go. People love Santino. There’s something romantic about, you know, always coming so close and never really getting that complete full satisfaction of getting what they want, and so it always leaves the door open for that, whatever miracle return, you know, or something, right? Just can hopefully one day finally satisfy that itch.”

Santino Marella also talked about a sitcom he pitched to Vince McMahon. The former WWE star then explained what led to the idea’s rejection.

“I pitched a sitcom. I think it was one episode. So I wrote it and it was Beth Phoenix and I and it was called, ‘Somebody loves Santino.’ It was basically Beth Phoenix, like, our home life. I got some of the guys from the Online to do some editing and I added some canned laughter. I waited around one night after RAW outside Vince’s office and I gave him the CD. I said, ‘Hey, this is an idea I had’, and he watched it. He said, ‘Yea, we’re going to do it.’ He assigned a writer to do a real pilot for three episodes. but there was this, like, what do you call it, like, a tragedy of errors or whatever that, like, the writer got Lyme disease. Then the writer broke his hip. Then the writer’s father died, and you know, this guy’s trying to put together three funny episodes.One episode was funny, A couple episodes were funny. One was horrible. When we put it together, the WWE, kind of, you know, a little bit higher budget pilots, they weren’t funny, and it was like, ‘Yeah, we’re not doing it.'”

“The original one that I did, I thought was better. So we had a little bit of a difference of opinion, Brian Gewirtz and I. He wanted to do a little bit of like a Curb Your Enthusiasm type camerawork. I wanted pure Disney, canned laughter, that standard sitcom backdrop with the stairs on an angle. I wanted it to be for kids. He wanted it to be, I guess, you know, for a little bit of an older audience, but it really never got going.”

According to Santino Marella, the Santina character was only meant to last one night. He explained that because the conduct was so “funny” , it persisted for a few more months.

“Santina was supposed to be one night only, and it was just so funny. Like, you know, people that were in gorilla, like Vince was pissing his pants It was so funny and so she stuck around for a few months.”

Santino Marella might not be wrestling anymore, but his daughter, Arianna Grace, is still lighting up WWE NXT. You can check out the whole interview below. Stay tuned to Ringside News for more.

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Shubham Banerjee

Shubham Banerjee is a computer science student and news correspondent. His love for technology, gadgets, and coding led him to pursue this field. Outside of academics, he enjoys photography, exploring music, and following football, although Barcelona's European performance always disappoints him.

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