Cain Velasquez gained a lot of respect over his career, despite the fact that he was just indicted. The former UFC Heavyweight Champion and professional wrestler, was bailed out of jail last month after being detained since February 28th on attempted murder allegations. The former UFC Champion recently spoke about his future in the ring after his release.

Cain Velasquez was released from detention after posting $1 million bail. He was arrested on several counts, one of which involved shooting Harry Goularte, who is suspected of abusing Velasquez’s then-4-year-old family member.

The former UFC heavyweight champion was permitted to participate in professional wrestling, and he did it earlier this month for AAA in Arizona. Velasquez was required to wear a G.P.S. monitor and pay for a police officer to go with him to Arizona as part of the bail terms.

Recently, Cain Velasquez was welcomed on K100 with Konnan & Disco for their Christmas broadcast. He expressed his gratitude to the MMA and wrestling communities for their assistance during this time in his life.


Yeah man, I did [see the support I got from the wrestling & MMA communities] and I have and I just wanna thank everyone. I truly appreciate everyone’s support in all of it. It means so much to me. It gave me a lot of strength when I was in there. So, yeah dude, I feel it and I just wanna thank everybody forever for that.

Cain Velasquez was questioned by Konnan on whether he believed he would ever be released from prison, or if he believed he would serve his entire sentence. He acknowledged that, at various stages, his thoughts wavered between the two sides, but he maintained his faith and outlook that all would turn out for the best.

My mind ran like both sides of it [being positive about getting out versus thinking he’d be serving time straight through]. The bad side and the good side. It’s a thing, we always have to have faith, you know? It doesn’t matter what position we’re in, where we’re at. We always gotta look for the best-case scenario for us and just know that our lives are something much bigger, and it’s all gonna work out for the best, always.

Cain Velasquez was held in protective custody while incarcerated. He called it “low-key,” and he was only allowed to be around a very small number of people. Cain said that the fact that he had so much alone time, was both the best and worst aspect of it.

They had me in protective custody. It was very low-key. Only a few people that I was able to kind of hang out with and I guess the good thing about it is you got a lot of alone time with yourself and the bad thing about it was you got a lot of alone time with yourself.

Moving forward, Cain Velasquez admitted that he places a lot of pressure on himself to perform well when he returns to the ring at AAA’s Tempe, Arizona show. Velasquez said that throughout his eight months in jail, he had a “poor way of thinking.”

It was crazy man… Probably the worst I’ve ever felt physically, mentally doing something… I feel like there was such a standstill, my body and my mind. For eight months, just a low way of thinking, versus when you’re out there competing, it’s a different way of thinking, how your brain and your mind have to be firing so, I felt like I was probably in the worst-case scenario for myself that I’ve ever been in and I feel like I always do this, I put a lot of pressure on myself and I just wanna be ready when I go out there and you know, compete and when I did, went out there and did it dude, it was…

In terms of his future in wrestling, Cain Velasquez intends to take every possible step. When Daniel Cormier, another former heavyweight champion of the UFC, paid him a visit, they talked about Cormier “doing something” with AAA. Jumping in, Konnan said he would really enjoy it. While he was unable to give further details, he stated that AAA intended to expand its activities in the United States and that they were now negotiating a deal to appear on American television.

Cain Velasquez was overcome by the support of his fans during his first professional wrestling encounter following his release from prison. He described being there as being in one of his dreams. For updates, keep checking on Ringside news.

What’s your take on it? Sound off in the comments.

Shubham Banerjee

Shubham Banerjee is a computer science student and news correspondent. His love for technology, gadgets, and coding led him to pursue this field. Outside of academics, he enjoys photography, exploring music, and following football, although Barcelona's European performance always disappoints him.

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