Matt Riddle was on a roll in WWE, but then he was pulled from television. Although they wrote The Original Bro off television with an injury storyline, it turns out that he failed WWE Wellness Policy test, and he was suspended. Now he has broken his silence on everything.

To make matters even more complicated for Riddle, a couple of adult film stars have come forward to accuse Riddle of cheating on them. One even brought allegations of abuse forward. Needless to say, his name is getting dragged on social media in a big way.

Riddle might be in rehab, but that wasn’t confirmed. He did jump on Twitter to thank his supporters and say that he is working on himself.

I’ve been working a lot on myself lately and have been saying no and setting boundaries for the first time ever and certain people aren’t happy about it, but I couldn’t be healthier or happier. Thank you for all the support


We will have to see what is next for Matt Riddle. He is obviously going through a lot right now, and the negative headlines got to him. He is also aware that a ton of supporters are also there for him through this difficult time.

What’s your take on this situation with Matt Riddle? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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