Chris Jericho has been part of the professional wrestling world for well over thirty years now. He amassed millions of supporters throughout the course of his lengthy, brilliant career. Jericho recently gained attention, but not for the right reasons.

Jim Cornette, a seasoned wrestling commenter, has charged Chris Jericho with perhaps plagiarizing one of WWE’s most popular storylines surrounding Roman Reigns’ Bloodline. Jericho was criticized by Cornette for stealing the Bloodline plot line. If Cornette’s accusations are believed to be true, it will surely affect Jericho’s career trajectory.

Jericho made a backstage promo for Dynamite’s Winter is Coming episode, where he expressed his rage about having lost the ROH World Championship at the Final Battle event. In addition, he pledged to vent his anger on a jobber.

Jericho also counselled Daniel Garcia to pay greater attention to Sammy Guevara throughout the advertisement. Garcia may not lose as much, the Wizard said, if he sought The Spanish God’s advice more frequently.


The episode might have been the start of a future conflict between Sammy Guevara and Daniel Garcia. The way the rivalry is developing, though, bears a striking resemblance to the WWE storyline between Jey Uso, Sami Zayn, and The Bloodline. He had a lot to say about it on the Jim Cornette Experience.

“[Chris Jericho] tells [Daniel] Garcia to shadow Sammy [Guevara] to learn how not to lose, are they going to do the Jey Uso and Sami Zayn over here now? They’re setting up the same thing where Garcia’s just turned and joined the group, but now he’s going to be pissed at Sammy and Jericho’s telling Garcia to listen to Sammy, so Sammy can tell him how to — oh boy, they’re borrowing here.” 

This comes after Jim Cornette recently dismissed Jericho’s pro wrestling Olympics pitch by calling it ridiculous. Cornette surely doesn’t mince his words when it comes to voicing his opinions. Meanwhile, you can listen to his podcast below. Stay tuned to Ringside News for more.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments.

Shubham Banerjee

Shubham Banerjee is a computer science student and news correspondent. His love for technology, gadgets, and coding led him to pursue this field. Outside of academics, he enjoys photography, exploring music, and following football, although Barcelona's European performance always disappoints him.

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