Aliyah spent over half decade in NXT, and she finally received her main roster call-up under Vince McMahon’s regime. She had a couple little pushes on television, but Aliyah has been absent in recent memory. There is a good reason for that.

Ringside News asked around about Aliyah’s status. The former Breaking Ground star isn’t injured, as she has been training hard for her comeback. She has also not withheld her injuries in the past. She is now cleared to return, but there is no sign of her on television.

We were told by a tenured member of the creative team that Aliyah is, “off television because she’s not figured into Survivor Series.” It was explained to us that since she isn’t in any storylines, they are keeping her off television since they didn’t want to, “feed her to someone for someone to go over on her.”

There is one spot left in the women’s Survivor Series WarGames match. You can click here for likely spoiler on who will fill that slot, but it won’t be Aliyah. Her longtime fans might be disappointed that Aliyah isn’t on television, but at least they aren’t putting the former Robert Stone Brand member in the ring just to beat her.


We’ll have to see what the cards hold for Aliyah in WWE after they get past Survivor Series WarGames. She isn’t factored into plans for the premium live event, so the thinking is that she is better off waiting for a better opportunity to gain some television time.

What’s your take on Aliyah’s booking on the WWE main roster? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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