AEW Full Gear saw titles change hands, and it left the door open for a lot of possibilities. It truly was a packed night of pro wrestling, but how did the viewership turn out?

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According to F4WOnline, Tony Khan noted that AEW Full Gear did a similar pay-per-view buyrate as All Out, which did 140,000 buys. In the end, AEW is obviously very happy about this turnout.

Regarding the PPV number, Khan noted to us regarding his comments last night that it was based on what they have now. It looks to be similar to All Out, which I’d consider to be a success if it ends up in that realm without C.M. Punk. All Out was 140,000 buys. It was below last year’s Full Gear, which did 155,000 buys. Most did not expect this year’s show to have a shot at beating last year’s numbers. The two other Full Gear shows were about 90,000 and 100,000 buys.


We’ll have to see how AEW carries on after Full Gear. They certainly have a lot of fallout after this weekend’s big pay-per-view show.

What’s your take on AEW Full Gear? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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