The Miz may have faked an injury this past Monday on Raw to get out of his match against Dexter Lumis. However, he is actually working through an actual injury at the moment.

While appearing on Ekeler’s Edge with Los Angeles Chargers RB Austin Ekeler, the topic of bumps and bruises came up in regard to pro wrestling and football. The Miz revealed that he’s been having issues with a busted bursa sac.

“I just got back from Monday Night Raw, I didn’t have a match, but anytime you have matches, and we have matches over the weekend, any match, your entire body is sore. My neck, my body. When I’m done, I don’t feel it, then the next day I’m like, ‘Where is this coming from?’ I have a bursa sac that I bursted that just keeps blowing up. It’ll go away and then comes back. I messed up my shoulder a little bit. You try to workout and work through it and maintain your body.”

Miz didn’t wrestle on Monday, but he attacked Lumis with a chair before their scheduled match. He is set to work a dark match on Friday’s WWE SmackDown.


“Just this week, I have to go to SmackDown…I’m not a SmackDown superstar, I’m a Raw superstar, there are two brands. I’m going on Friday just to do the main event dark to give them something a little more. That live crowd, you’re not going to see me on TV, but that live crowd will see me. It’s just that night,” he said.

Hopefully Miz overcomes his bursa sac issues. Sure, it’s not fun waking up with an injury like that on a daily basis currently. He still makes it work, because The Miz is awesome.

What do you think of Miz’s current injury? Sound off in the comments!

Andre Porter

Andre is a passionate wrestling fan and journalist with years of experience covering the WWE. He has attended numerous wrestling events and has a deep understanding of the sport. In addition to his writing, Andre is also a graduate of The University of Arts with a BFA in multimedia and enjoys film, comics, and all Philadelphia sports. He is also an avid follower of John Cena on Twitter.

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