WWE has a long list of legends that they can call on when they need them. Hurricane Helms got added to that list when he signed Legends Deal with the company this year. Shane “Hurricane” Helms has recently admitted that while working for Vince McMahon, he was the first minor performer to sell a lot of merchandise.

Helms, who wasn’t the biggest man in the ring, competed continuously for WWE from 2001 to 2010. At that time, a significant number of fans connected with his original superhero persona, “The Hurricane.” When asked on social media what Vince McMahon thought of smaller-framed wrestlers, Helms responded that he had great time working for the former WWE Chairman.

I was told that I was the first solo act under 200 lbs that moved real Merch. Then Rey came in and BOOM, Merch wasn’t just for the big guys anymore.

Helms is still employed by WWE even though McMahon is no longer there. He currently serves as a backstage producer for the current crop of stars. Helms and McMahon collaborated closely while working for WWE despite the fact that his stature and gimmick were not the 77-year-typical old’s looks.


Shane Helms has worked as a wrestler with several promotions in the past before debuting on SmackDown in 2021. His contributions to the wrestling world certainly did not go unnoticed. After his WWE release in 2010, Helms returned as a surprise entrant in the 2018 and 2021 Royal Rumble matches. We’ll have to see if Hurricane Helms makes a comeback, but you can never say never in WWE.

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Gunjan Nath

Gunjan is a jack of all trades and master of many. He's passionate about art, witty/dark humor, movies, anime, music, football, creative writing, photography, and videography. He's always looking to improve and master new skills.

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