Johnny Gargano allowed his WWE contract to run out, and he departed from NXT. All that changed tonight in Canada for RAW.

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During the third hour of RAW, right after a commercial break, Johnny Gargano’s song started and fans were shocked. Johnny Wrestling took to the ring and the crowd gave him an incredible reaction.

After soaking in an amazing reaction, Johnny Gargano said, “well surprise everybody!” Then he thanked fans for reminding him who he was. He said, “I was kinda a big deal in NXT” before listing off his accomplishments for anyone who didn’t know who he was.


Gargano addressed the questions about where he was going to go next, and he also wondered if he wanted to be a pro wrestler anymore. Then he was playing with his child and realized that when he was younger he had big dreams, like becoming a champion on the WWE main roster.

After saying that he is betting on himself, he declared that “Johnny Wrestling is back in WWE.” Then Austin Theory came out to face his NXT Father. While Gargano seemed happy to see Theory, Mr. Money in the Bank played a major heel instead. “Who’s your daddy” chants broke out toward Theory.

Just when they were about to high five like old times, Gargano nailed Theory with a superkick, and then he did a little HBK dance. This was certainly a big surprise as Triple H brought another one of his favorites to the WWE main roster.

Are you excited about Johnny Gargano’s WWE return? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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