WWE’s biggest event of the summer is going down in Nashville on July 31st. SummerSlam will be a big night, but the idea is out there that some within the company aren’t pleased with the card.

A report came out recently saying people in charge of SummerSlam’s booking don’t like how things are turning out. Wrestle Votes reported that, “In the most WWE of ways, I had a source tell me this morning, ‘they really don’t like the SummerSlam card.’ They being the people who put it together. Um, what?!”

We have been told that is not the opinion among the majority of those within the company. In fact, the overall feeling is very positive about SummerSlam.

A tenured member of the WWE writing team told Ringside News that, “If someone said that, they’re speaking for themselves. As a whole, we as a writing team think SummerSlam is looking very strong.”


We were told that, “There’s always going to be malcontents,” but the team is happy with the biggest party of the summer that they have on paper.

So if some site or reporter wants to say “WWE insiders don’t like this or that,” you can always get that. But as a whole, we all actually think this came together pretty nicely.

It is also very important to remember that we are talking about WWE. Anything can change, because Vince McMahon has been known to change the booking direction at a whim. That being said, we’re getting closer to the home stretch, and the card is filling up. There is also not a feeling of malcontent within the office regarding what they put together.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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