Update: It is now reported that Vince McMahon has changed his plans on who will be in this stable. The stable is still coming though, so stay tuned.

Original: WWE has a lot of plans going and they need to make things legal before things can really take off. L.A Knight was introduced to the WWE main roster recently and he has a new name. He also isn’t coming alone.

L.A. Knight is now Max Dupri on the main roster. His stable, Maximum Male Models, is also on the way. Now WWE has laid down a trademark to make sure nobody takes their great idea.

On May 23rd, WWE laid down a trademark for Maximum Male Models. They registered this trademark in the typical way that most pro wrestling trademarks are executed under the field of sports entertainment.


Mace and Mansoor were alongside Dupri in dark match segments, but they have not been properly introduced on television yet. Only time will tell if WWE changes their mind about who is in the stable, but we should expect a couple males to join the former L.A. Knight.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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