Jaxson Ryker was release from WWE after causing a ton of heat on himself due to his political opinions. He openly supported Donald Trump while he was sending in the military to break up Black Lives Matter protests. Vince McMahon releasing Gunner did not cool down his political leanings.

The former WWE Superstar logged onto Twitter and he unleashed his opinion. We must warn you that his tweets are triggering and incredibly religious and controversial. He called for everyone to “rise up” against homosexuality and abortion in this rant.

Rise up! Rise up against abortion, against homosexuality, against gender agenda, against that which Goes against the Word. Share love in doing so. We all have faced times in sin where a brother or sister showed us Jesus and his love. Church we must love and speak truth’

He also took aim at the New York Times for publishing a handbook on how to get an abortion. It is becoming very difficult to get that medical procedure depending on which state you live in, but Gunner had no time for this handbook. In fact, he called out The Times for being evil and disgusting.


This is disturbing. This is evil. Disgusting. It’s a living baby insider the womb. Mothers who think this is your only choice it’s not? There are many willing to help. Adoption, money, etc I will adopt the child. Our Father weeps

Plenty of fans have commented on this situation, and a vast majority of them are pretty heated on one side or another. He does have supporters, but the vocal majority of the pro wrestling fan base doesn’t seem to be on his side. Some have commented to talk about how Gunner is brainwashed, but a few have just said, “f*ck Jaxson Ryker,” and they have just as much of a right to say that as Gunner did when he spewed his right-winged opinion on Twitter. You can check out those tweets below.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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