Roman Reigns caught lot of attention when told fans at a live event that he might not be around much after this. Now we’re starting to get a better idea of what he meant by that.

During Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer mentioned that Roman Reigns has been pulled from all WWE events for a good chunk of time this Summer. It’s unknown what is going on, but that speech about Reigns not being around much anymore could have been legit after all.

“I’m trying to get more information on this, but he was removed from all shows, his last show is June 19th until after Labor Day. I don’t know what the situation is, but he is scheduled for the two pay-per-view shows. I don’t know what that is, whether he’s doing a movie, but it is, obviously we already know his schedule going forward after June is going to be cut back anyway, but there will be a period where he won’t even be on television, because he’s been removed from all the advertisement.”

It’s unclear why Roman Reigns is taking this time off. He could have a movie obligation, but WWE will certainly miss having him on television this Summer.


This is a big deal for WWE, because they don’t want to lose the Tribal Chief. Still, he has other aspirations. Reigns is scheduled for the two pay-per-view events during his hiatus, but we’ll just have to see how they work this out on television.

Transcription by Ringside News

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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