Rey Mysterio is a shoo-in WWE Hall of Famer and his recent run in the company has him paired up with his son Dominik for an experience he dreamed about. That being said, he isn’t planning on giving that up any time soon.

Mysterio is the cover Superstar for WWE 2K22. That comes with a huge honor and a nice paycheck as well. WWE might not be booking Mysterio as a main eventer, but Mr. 6-1-9 is still seemingly fulfilled.

Whiles speaking to TMZ, Rey Mysterio addressed the elephant in the room. With his veteran career, the thought of retirement is always going to be around. Rey Mysterio is still having a lot of fun, so retirement isn’t on his mind at all.

“I think this is the time I’ve been enjoying the most ’cause I get to step in there with my son, I get to guide him, I get to see his growth, I interact with the fans.”


“I think the moment that I go back and re-watch a match that I have and see myself slowing down, then I’ll say, ‘you know what Rey? Damn, it’s time to hang it up now.'”

Mysterio went on to say, “I still get nervous before I walk out there. It’s just something that I have. I can’t get those feelings away. So, on top of being nervous for myself, now I gotta be nervous for my son too because as a father, you want him to do good.”

We’ll have to see how much longer Rey Mysterio wrestles, but he is certainly enjoying his time right now.

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Tags: Rey Mysterio
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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