WWE contracts are popular subject of conversation nowadays, especially with stiff AEW competition. Kevin Owens re-signed with WWE, but news of Sami Zayn inking a new deal has not been reported. There is still some evidence that he is sticking around.

Sami Zayn has remained on television since his return from a pandemic hiatus. He worked with Logan Paul and, more recently, Brock Lesnar. Those prime spots might just continue for him, because Ringside News has been told that WWE writers were given the green light to pitch long term ideas for the former NXT Champion.

A tenured member of the creative team informed us that writers were told that they could “could keep coming up with long term ideas for Sami.” That being said, fans should probably get used to seeing Sami Zayn on television.

It was not confirmed that he has re-signed with WWE, but there are certainly ideas for him if he does stay with Vince McMahon’s company. It does, however, appear that he has come to terms on a new deal.


There are reasons for Sami Zayn to stay and leave WWE, but this is certainly an indication that he will stay put. It is also a sign that WWE is looking to use Zayn for a long time to come. We will continue monitoring this story here at Ringside News.

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Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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