WWE has a trend of releasing Superstars. They are not slowing down as the company let another crop of talent go just last week. That leads many to wonder who is next, but some might be okay with bidding the company farewell. When it comes to Xavier Woods, he has accomplished enough to feel confident about the legacy he would leave behind.

Xavier Woods wrapped up 2021 as King Woods, and now many are wondering what his royal status is after Roman Reigns declared himself a king. He also didn’t have the greatest showing at Survivor Series following a career-defining King of the Ring victory.

SP3 recently spoke to Woods where the subject of his possible release came up. He obviously doesn’t want that release to come around, but he also feels like his career is at a point where he could leave and know that he accomplished a lot.

“I feel they are all kind of connected because I feel like I’m essentially trying to do the same thing everywhere. I’m just trying to be the best version of myself in that space, I guess, is the best way to put it. So, as far as wrestling with New Day, we’ve been able to accomplish so many things as a tag team, and that’s been my focus as a kid. I love tag team wrestling, and I love King of the Ring. So, as far as wrestling goals, now I’m on bonus time. If they would have been like, ‘Hey, you won King of the Ring,’ and they came back and hit me with the ‘You’re fired,’ I would have been like, ‘Okay, deuces, it has been a fun ride.”


Speaking about his current run as a solo star, Woods said, “So, I feel like if you prefer to take the same thing over and over again, we’re not artists anymore. We’re just rehashing things, and that’s fine. I’m not knocking that vibe, but for me, my brain feels at homeostasis; I guess I feel even, not off-kilter when I’m creating something. With all of this stuff, the solo run I’m having right now, I’m getting to do my best to create things every week. And they might not work at all. It might be the worst thing you’ve ever seen in your life, but I’m making an attempt to make something better, and I feel like I can give you the same meal, I can give you the same lunch every day. We can eat pizza with the square pepperonis, it’s going to be good for a few weeks, and then we’re going to want something else. So I’m going to attempt to bring something different to the table every time they see me, and we’ll see if it works.”

We’ll have to see what happens next for Xavier Woods. He certainly has a lot of fans behind him and many have followed him to over ventures outside of WWE. He is also a great representative for the company, so his name holds value in many ways within WWE. Even if it ends today, it seems that Woods would be okay with it.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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