Eddie Kingston continues to impress with his wrestling ability, but there might be a little thing missing to take him to that next level. If you ask Bryan Danielson, Kingston needs to put in the work.

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During the media scrum following AEW Full Gear, Bryan Danielson spoke about Eddie Kingston. He said that Kingston is a great wrestler, but he needs to do the work outside of the ring. This seemed to be a shoot as he cited an example of what happened after their match in Miami.

See here’s a thing — it was after our first match. We were in Miami. After the show he goes out until the morning, I go back to my hotel and get in some stretching and getting ready so my body’s physically prepared next week. Eddie’s shoulder was really banged up, my shoulder’s fine.


There’s putting in the work when you’re wrestling and then putting in the work when you’re not wrestling and that’s, I think that’s the difference. One thing I wanna say about Eddie is he has incredible heart and he’s a great wrestler.

Bryan Danielson said “I work my ass off so I never get tired.” Kingston works his ass off when he’s tired, and that is commendable. That is also something Bryan Danielson gave Kingston credit for.

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Transcription by Ringside News

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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