Charlie Haas saw his spotlight in WWE years ago, but the former member of the World’s Greatest Tag Team might actually want another run in the squared circle. He could have something to prove and he let it out on Facebook.

Haas sent out a couple Facebook posts where said that three of his best friends are now gone from this earth. He wants to keep wrestling to honor them. He’s been through a lot with life coming at him from different directions, but he also has a desire to prove that he is on the GOAT’s level.

Three of my best friends. One is my brother. All gone from this earth. People ask, “why do you want to keep wrestling. ”Why you ask. I do want to make them proud. I want to honor them and way let them know I never gave up. Even when obstacles such death, divorce, injury were thrown in my way. To prove that I am at level of GOAT, or that I have what it takes to be at Chris Jericho’s level.

We will have to see if Charlie Haas has another run left in him with a televised company. He looks to be in amazing shape, but it’s all about who you know. Fortunately for Haas, he might have a few numbers he can still call.


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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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