Kevin Dunn is a controversial figure in pro wrestling. Where some people actually have the back of most controversial people in pro wrestling, few will speak a good word about Dunn. WWE’s Executive Producer & Chief, Global Television Distribution certainly has his fair share of haters, and Jon Moxley is not a fan.

Within the pages of Mox, the former AEW World Champion opened absolute fire on Kevin Dunn. Moxley wrote his opinion in biting detail and he wondered why Dunn even has a spot in WWE in the first place.

Moxley also unleashed on Dunn for his tactics when dealing with talent, especially in his own experiences with him. The two had a conversation and then Dunn allegedly spread lies about the former Dean Ambrose.

“If I had gone in there and been an asshole, why didn’t he just say, ‘F*ck you, then, you’re being an asshole.’ No, he let me go through the whole song and dance, while being completely phony, pretending to accept my apology, pretending it was all good and we were friends. Then five minutes later this little c*nt rat goes right to the rest of the office and says I didn’t give a sufficient apology and whatever other bullsh*t he probably said about me, behind my back, no less. This dickless motherf*cker … and it was 48 hours later. Why didn’t you just call me on the phone right when it happened and say, ‘F*ck you, we’re all mad at you, and if you do it again, you’re fired.’? That would have been easy to understand. Instead, I got summoned to the secret castle to meet the Magical King Wizard who lives in the truck and controls the universe to beg for forgiveness? What are all these stupid little games?”


Jon Moxley ended everything by saying “F*ck Kevin Dunn.” That opinion has been echoed throughout the pro wrestling world, but reading Jon Moxley’s unbridled opinion is something unique.

We will have to see if Jon Moxley’s candid account of dealing with Kevin Dunn opens the door for more people to take a shot at the man Jim Cornette refers to as “Bucky Beaver.” If anything, Kevin Dunn isn’t likely to answer Mox since he stays out of the spotlight as much as possible.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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