WWE has a list of words that they do not want spoken on their television broadcasts. This became an issue for the city of Raleigh when WWE went three hours on RAW last week without mentioning the city’s name. The company is not copping to that ban, even though it was quite apparent.

In case you’d like a refresher, WWE’s current list of banned words includes, “Blood, choke, belt, strap, diva, head shot, trauma, kayfabe, Mofos, house show, DQ, The Anti-Diva, spinal injuries, victim, violence, violent, wrestling, wrestlers, WWF, wifebeater, curb stomp, phrases including the word ‘push’ and ‘being over,’ babyface, heel, job, jobber, card, strangle, kill and murder.” Interestingly enough, Goldberg used “kill” in his promo directed at Bobby Lashley on Raw this week.

During Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer revealed that a newspaper in Raleigh was trying to do a story about WWE banning their city’s name. When they contacted Vince McMahon’s company about this ban they received a staunch denial.

“The Raleigh newspaper was gonna do a story that they weren’t allowed to use the term Raleigh. So, they call up WWE and ask ‘is it true that you told the announcers that they aren’t allowed to use the word Raleigh?’ They’re like, ‘IT IS NOT TRUE,’ and then the guy comes to me and says, ‘They said it’s not true.'”


“I’m like, ‘They were on for three hours and never said it once and they mention the name of the city they’re in multiple times in every show. Common sense, yes they were not allowed to use the word Raleigh, they kept using North Carolina state instead in its presence.’ Even Big E in his entrance he always mentions the town and he did not say Raleigh, so yes, they could not say Raleigh. So yeah, if they say it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen. Just like that pay-per-view where the commentary kept bleeding in multiple languages, so if they say it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen no matter what you or I may have heard, that’s just how it is. That’s how it is today.”

WWE has any number of reasons for not wanting a word spoken on their television show. It was previously reported that WWE didn’t want Raleigh mentioned because it is not a “prestigious” name.

We’ll have to pay close attention to every WWE broadcast from this point on. They might have to start saying the name of every city they visit, because the word is out on why the company doesn’t want certain city names presented on their programming.

What’s you take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

Transcription by Ringside News

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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