Sean Waltman is a two-time WWE Hall of Famer and he collected ton of stories in the process. As a member of the nWo and DX, he saw a lot of wild times on the road and that included a couple scraps along the way. He recently went into one legendary story about getting in a fight with two of the nastiest men on the roster.

The Nasty Boys’ legend proceeds them. They were famously fined for farting in front of Miss Elizabeth, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. Their personalities matched Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs to a tee, and they were not ones to back down from a legit either.

During 83 Weeks, Sean Waltman recalled a time when he was with Scott Hall and they had a run-in with the Nasty Boys. This resulted in things really coming to blows when everything way said and done.

“It was at some house show in Louisiana. I was supposed to come out for the finish. For whatever reason, I didn’t come out, whether I wasn’t paying attention or something. My fault. Something happened, and Scott threw a chair. This was a plastic chair. Scott had already got a few people pissed off at him for hitting them with a spray paint can, or a belt, and he busted a couple people open. I think it happened to one of the Nasties, so they were already on edge, maybe. That chair came flying. It didn’t even hit Jerry (Saggs), but Jerry got pissed. I might be wrong. It might have hit him. I don’t know, but it didn’t hurt him. He blew a gasket and he hit Scott a couple times. His face swelled up a bit.”


“After that was over with, I don’t know if it was a couple nights later, but I got in a fight with Knobbs (Brian Knobbs) at House of Blues right after that.  We were on Bourbon Street and Knobbs had been fu**ing with me since I got there. Finally, I’m like, ‘If he keeps fu**ing with me, I’m going to jack him.’  I didn’t want to because I don’t want to fight people, but man, you can only take so much. We were coming into The House of Blues, Scott is with me, and he’s ahead of me. I’m going, ‘Oh my God’, because all of a sudden, there’s Hulk up on stage playing the bass, and so you know if Hulk’s up there, Knobbs is not far behind. I’m like, ‘Let’s try to sneak in here so I could sneak past without Knobbs seeing me.’”

“Just as soon as I thought the coast was clear, all of a sudden, I feel someone grab me by the back of the head, and my neck’s already f*cked up by this point, smacked me, and paint brushed me in the back of the head. I turned around and went ‘boom’, and he went back against the bar. Then Jerry saw me punch Knobbs, and he looked over at me, and punched me in the nose. Scott Norton, I think it was Show, or DDP or someone came to break it up.  I went and wiped my nose off. There was a little bit of blood. I came back out and we buried the whole thing and had a drink. I wasn’t even drinking then, but I had one just to like, bury the hatchet.”

Sean Waltman’s time in the ring is not finished, because he promised that he has a few more matches left. The former X-Pac needs to heal from recent surgeries, but he is feeling much better at this stage in his life. He has also cleaned up and left a lot of those personal demons behind him in the process.

The pro wrestling world is full of stories like this and they come out from time to time. Odds are many wrestlers are keeping stories about the Nasty Boys which could only add to their legend if they are ever told. It is unknown why the Nasty Boys are not in the WWE Hall of Fame, but many hope that is rectified some day.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

Thanks to Wrestling News for the quote

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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