MJF is a pretty hated heel and he has a featured spot during AEW Grand Slam tonight. This brought sold-out crowd to Arthur Ashe Stadium, including MJF’s parents.

Click here for our complete coverage of AEW Grand Slam

MJF’s parents attended Grand Slam and his mother got to cut a little promo where she said: “We want to apologize to the world, he is a f*cking idiot, but he’s ours.” They also posted a photo where his mother proudly held a sign that said:

We’re MJF’s parents and we think he sucks too.


MJF replied back to that photo with: “F*ck off mom.” Obviously, there is a lot of love in that family.

Brian Pillman, Jr will have quite a fight against him as he tries to beat MJF in Arthur Ashe Stadium. Odds are MJF’s own parents will be rooting against him.

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Tags: MJF
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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